My thoughts on the 100th episode. Oh boy howdy.

Apr 15, 2010 23:06

This'll probably be all just FLAIL!!! but if you wanna look at my flail, I invite you.

Okay, let me just get the shipp-y shit out of the way. Dean told Cas to "blow me" and then he says "I gotta warn you, Cas, the last person who looked at me that way I got laid" and then finally, FINALLY! we have Cas kicking the shit out of Dean.

This fandom has warped me.

But, seriously, Dean needed to get smacked by Cas on a totally 'you can't treat your friends this way' way. Cas is frustrated. Cas is angry. Cas has lost his faith in not just God, but Dean too and he still went into that fucking warehouse to help the boys get Adam back. And Cas saying that he'd rather get killed in the suicide mission than see Dean fail... I'm having a hard time just thinking of anything else that isn't Cas right now. I find it endlessly hilarious that Cas, the angel, the guy who's supposed to not have any feelings at all has no problems saying, no, Dean, I'm extremely disappointed in you because you're letting me down over and over again.

I'm a little miffed that Dean's still not getting it or acknowledging it, but I can hold out hope that now, after another suicide run (where Cas is presumably not dead because Misha still has four episodes in his contract and if he's gonna go out, he's gonna go out better than that way, even though he totally took out like SEVEN angels and CARVED ENOCHIAN SYMBOLS INTO HIS CHEST ALONG THE WAY TO BANISH THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS.) Dean's finally gonna say, look, I have no idea why you have any sort of faith in me whatsoever, but, uh, thanks, you know, for all that stuff.

Because that's the only way Dean can say shit.

They need to put Dean and Cas in a situation where Dean thinks he's dying or something so he can actually talk about his feelings.

So, lets do w quick and dirty summary.

We open with Zach in a bar. He's all sad because he failed, but then Michael comes in with Divine intervention and a way to get Dean to say yes.

Then we cut to a scene with Dean writing his suicide letters and drinking and getting ready to shoot himself, but of course Sam finds him and then talk a little about how Dean can't say yes and how they're gonna rumble, but then Sam's like, yeah, I brought the angel and Cas transports Dean to Bobby's.

Where Dean continues to throw out his feelings and be emo and Bobby's like what the fuck dude and calls Dean son and then Dean tells Bobby he's not Dean's father. Then we have a nice dramatic scene with Bobby pulling out a gun and a bullet and Dean's like what's that? And Bobby's like this is the gun and the bullet I care with me every day and I think about offing myself and I don't and you wanna know why? And Dean's like why? And Bobby's like BECAUSE YOU FUCKING ASKED ME NOT TO!

At this point I asked N if Bobby could be my grandpa. I won't go into deets about that conversation because it's an old, ridiculous one we've had before.

Cas is refusing to talk to Dean and he's all pissy and being a smartass and has his arms folded across his chest. He hears something on angel radio, goes to where it is, kills to angels and low and behold it's Adam.

Adam, the bastard Winchester.

I have this irrational like for Adam. He's sort of the guy on the outside of it all and he has to deal with all of it and I think he's kind of badass, but he was so fucking whiny in this episode. Like the only sob story that had merit was his own. He talks about his mom working and him cooking dinner for himself, but Dean did that and he did it with a Sammy and the knowledge that demons were real and his mom being dead. John Winchester did you a fucking favor, bro. Especially when, before you died, you were going to college being pre-med.

So, Dean banishes Cas... and I was pissed. I can't believe he didn't think about what happens to an angel when they're banished and that he would use what Cas taught Cas against him.

Let me say that I understand is where Dean is coming from. I get that he's over it and he's tired and he doesn't want lots of people to die. I GET IT. I'm not anti-Dean, even if this is making me sound a little anti-Dean. I'm heartbroken for Dean and I want the very best for him and he's in this massively fucked up situation, but he's turning into not Dean.

Am I happy that he didn't say yes and he pulled a fast one and KILLED Zachariah? YES! So very much so. Am I happy he did it apparently because he didn't want to disappoint Sam... yes and no. No because Jesus Christ does everything have to be about Sam and yes because it's so very DEAN and I could totally see that.

I'm also fairly happy about it because Sam seems to FINALLY be getting it... but that's another post.

So, Dean takes off, Cas kicks the crap out of him and has his angsty speech about, what the fuck dude, I gave up all this shit for you and this is what you're giving me? Poor Cas. Seriously, I want Cas to get other friends and Dean feel left out. He takes Dean back, but not before Zach convinces Adam that OH YES, WE'RE AWESOME ANGELS AND YOU GET TO SEE YOUR MOMMY IF YOU COME TO US! and takes Adam.

Of course it was a trap. Adam isn't the one and he's just 'clammy bait' to get Sam and Dean to put aside their differences, try and save Adam and get Dean to the angels so that he can say yes.

Sam tells Dean that they're gonna go to the greenroom because that's where they took Adam and that they're gonna take Dean because Sam believes Dean will say no when push comes to shove and that he has faith (something Bobby and Cas do not have in Dean... or at least not a lot). There's a wonderfully epic speech between the brothers that my head cannot remember, but it was wonderfully epic.

They go, Dean asks stupid questions that Cas answers even though you know he doesn't want to. He tells the boys that there are five angels inside and he's gonna take them on and, the line that sticks in my head was that Cas doesn't have as much faith in Dean as Sam does. I can't remember the lead up to that line, but it was so very sad.

Cas goes badass motherfucker on them and Dean tricks and kills Zach and Michael starts coming down and Adam gets stuck and, presumably, dies because he couldn't stick around.

It ends with the boys and Dean having new conviction in fighting the fight and I knew Kripke was gonna do it that way, but now he's got 4 episodes to end the Apocalypse.

4 episodes to end the MOTHERFUCKING APOCALYPSE.

I have no idea how he's gonna do it.

I'm not worried about Cas. I know he'll come back. I just don't know how or when or what's gonna happen. I do like Dean's conviction that they will get him. This season has totally be a whirlwind.

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