Shipping meme

Jan 13, 2011 10:46

Taken from lavanyasix who took it from avocado_love via sejitsu

1. Azula/Aang
2. Hawkeye/Mustang
3. Agatha/Gil
4. Ty Lee/ Azula
5. Ursa/Hakoda
6. Asuka/Shinji
7. Sakura/Naruto
8. Maiko, Kataang, Sukka, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione (yes, we’re talking multiple, but the reasons are the same for all)
9. ???

10. Zutara.
11. Iroh/Zuko
12. Harry/Hermione

13. Mamoru/Ami
14. ??

1. Why do you dislike #11 so much? First, yes, I know it’s not common, but I encountered it on a kink meme and it burns my mind. My big issue is the violation of trust. lavanyasix , already pointed out the problems with this in her own meme in regards to Misato/Shinji, and all of that applies here. The reason I chose this one, and not that is that Avatar is a fandom I’m primarily interested in, while Eva’s one I got draw into via the fanfic. So avatar stuff resonates more emotionally.

2. Who do you know that ships #13? lavanyasix , which is what interests me about it. Never seen it before, but she usually has good taste.

3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3? The two join together (perhaps a threesome with Tavek?) and go conquering brining peace to Europa through the power of SCIENCE!

4. What is your favorite moment for #1? Moment….. yeah.

5. How long have you been following couple #6?

6. What's the story with #8? What made you stop caring? Honest? I realized I had never really liked the ships. I had supported them, but ultimately I realized that I had never, really, fundamentally liked the ships in the first place. My support was based on a dislike of opposing ships, (Zutara, Harry/Hermione) and that wasn’t a good reason to like them.

Ultimately the point that really hit it home for me was the stories of DJNS , the stories, both ‘’The Avatar and the fire lord" and ‘reconstructed destinies’ both started with intriguing, interesting premises. And I loved them, but them, about halfway through, when the shipping took center stage, I completely lost interest. This is what really brought it home for me. I usually like these ships because they make more sense than the opposition, but I have no special attachment. (Mai and Zuko getting it on in reconstructed destinies really annoyed me, since the backstory is so changed). Don’t get me wrong. I don’t mind these ships, or dislike them, I just don’t seek them out.

7. Which ship do you prefer - #2 or #4? Interesting question. Objectively, #2, defiantly #2. I was really reaching for number #4, and my reasons for it amount to nothing more than ‘I like boobs’. However, to be honest I think I would hate fanfic of #2. I liked it because it was subdued, friendship as much as love, and never confirmed. Shipping fics would just ruin that.

8. You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12. But I don’t want either to disappear. Sure they generate stupid plots, but the wank, the glorious, hilarious wank…. If I must choose then Zutara. Harry/Hermione has generated so many great fandom wank write ups, and it’s a fandom I’m less involved in. So the entertainment generated to annoyance generated is much better.

9. What interests you about #14? 10. When did you stop liking #7? When I realized that the only reason I liked it was it meant Sakura wouldn’t get bashed in the story. I realized I could do better than that. (this was very early on in my fandom exposure)

11. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the series? No. Even though I don't know what ship it is, my intrest in a series have never been related to the ships.

12. What's a song that reminds you of #5? Burning ring of fire.

13. Which of these ships do you love the most right now? I guess one, as it’s the only one I’m really writing/

14. Which do you dislike the most? Iroh/Zuko for reasons already described.

15. If you could have any of these pairings double date, who would they be? Ursa/Hakoda, Aang/Azula. Because I love awkwardness. (or maybe Zutara for the second pairing)

16. Have #2 kissed yet? Nope. 17. Did #4 have a happy ending? Do you think one is likely? No. Not outside AU’s.

18. What would make you start shipping #14?

19. If only one could happen, which would you prefer - #2 or #6? Two, as I could buy it happening in canon.

20. You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them? …. An AU takes place where the ship makes sense?

21. For pairings 1-6, what do you least like about each of these ships. What fandom trope or canon fact makes you seriously consider getting in a liferaft?

1. The fact that it’s totally noncanon, and makes no sense? It annoys me that I like this pairing, since that sort of thing triggers my buttons with other ships. In my defense, I don’t pretend it’s canon, or would be perfect. It very problems are what intrigues me.

2. Reading an overly lovey dovey story? I like the ship, but I avoid fanfic of it like the plague, I’m to experienced in fandom nowadays.

3.The, shear, length of the damn castle arc.

4.The degree to which certain shippers seem to treat it as a given/obvious/ clearly true. No, that is exactly what pisses me off about Zutara. And it doesn’t get any better here. You can argue subtext, but it isn’t canon, don’t pretend it was or is.

5.The fact that theirs noncanon support, what so ever?

6. The number of fics that are fluffy and treat it as the road to happiness. Darn it, this is Eva, yes, happy fics were original the first time around, but someone needs to go reconstruct the deconstruction.

22. For pairings 10-12 give me a fic summary of a way it would be done that would work or be acceptable (AU's are fine). As an additional rule, it has to have a happy ending, dark fics showing a crappy pairing don't count.

#10. Really I’m fine with any AU that sets it up in a reasonable manner. Ie doesn’t use the canon backstory. For example, during the volcano exploding, Sozin finds that, as much as he hates Roku, his love “friendship” with Roku is to strong, and he can’t bring himself to do it. Thus, Roku is still alive during the comet, and Sozin is forced to sit ineffectually, doing nothing as the comet passes him by and his dreams die. Meanwhile in the western earth kingdom chaos has been caused by the Fire Nation coming in, kicking over every government in place, and then being forced to leave. (Roku’s to involved watching Sozin). A powerful and charismatic leader arises, and begins pulling a Chin mark II. Just as he’s getting powerful enough to take notice of, Roku dies. The conqueror, being a clever bastard, waits a few yaer (gaining more power) then uses earthbenders to collapse the air temples during a high holy day (when all would be there). Killing the avatar (who maybe survived? Not important) Just to be sure, he takes the opportunity to hit the south as well. Eventually, the constant raids and problems are enough some of the southern tribe to try fleeing. With the earth kingdom almost all under his control, the tribe heads to the Fire Nation. The reception isn’t as warm as the thought, Fire Lord Azulon doesn’t like them. However, his son Iroh, a pragmatist to the end, realizes how useful the waterbenders could be. The Fire Nation’s only advantage is the metal ships they have, they must win on the ocean, having someone to manipulate water (and steam, and heal) is incredibly useful. Ergo, the water tribe is allowed to stay, under the understanding that all waterbenders are assigned to ships. Katara is assigned to Zuko’s ship, and … stuff happens, with like, epic adventures and stuff.

#11. …. Iroh is thrown forward in time as a kid? I don’t know, like lavanyasix pointed out with Misato/Shinji it has to be something that negates the two major areas of squick. First, the mental age difference, that Iroh is an adult, Zuko is not. Second the social problems, Iroh has power over Zuko, he is his guardian, guide, mentor, influencer, all of which has to be negated for this ship to work at all.

#12. Don’t bash. Don’t dismiss people. Honestly…. I can’t think up a lot of Harry Potter plots, period. I’m in the fandom for the wanky entertainment, I really don’t have many fanfics I enjoy.
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