Title: Beneath the Sickle's Swing: Those Unhappy Ones
clodia_metelli Characters: The remnants of Melkor's Orcish hordes subsisting in the ruins of Utumno during Melkor's captivity.
Rating: PG
Book/Source: Silmarillion.
Disclaimer: I am not J.R.R. Tolkien and I make nothing from this but my own entertainment.
Summary: Written for
tolkien_weekly's Hairdressing Challenge.
A/N: I am greatly indebted to the ever-awesome
ignoblebard, who very generously nominated this series for MEFA 2011, thereby spurring me to get on with actually writing it. ♥
Beneath the Sickle's Swing |
Thirst |
Patience |
Those Unhappy Ones
Long ago, the world ended.
It ended in ice and stillness. There had been light: it was put out. There had been fire: it was extinguished. There had been screaming: it was silenced. There had been anguish: it lessened. There had been unending torment: it ended. There had been slavery: the chains were broken. There had been slave-drivers: they fell flaming. There had been an uncountable host: its remnants fled to hiding-places, scattered and afraid.
There had been prisons. Now there were ruins. The survivors combed through the wreckage and told dark tales of the world before its end.
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