Fill this out and place your college as the subject.
When you first attended, where did you live?
Jones College (JIBA!)
Who was/were your roommate(s)?
Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior years: Xiaoming Yin
Senior year: Stacey Lavender, Emery Ellis, and Anne McCreary
Do you still talk to them?
Not as much as I'd like to for all of them... I talk to Stacey a bit more cause she's usually on AIM
Ever get in trouble in the dorms?
Something you remember when you lived on campus?
So many things... lots of late nights spend doing absolutely nothing... just sitting around talking about crap until 3 am. Lots of TV wathcing senior year... I don't think I had watched that much Full House since I was a little girl.
Your campus phone number or other number?
713.348.1624... I think that was my sophomore year number... I didn't even really know last year's number until a couple months in.
First party attended?
I think it was NOD freshman year, which was pretty weird for me... that's when it was still free.
First Bar you got wasted at?
Hmm... I guess I was wasted at Baker St. Pub, but I didn't actually GET wasted there. I drank the drink that made me wasted at the Stag's Head (?), actually got to the wasted feeling in the car on the way to Baker St....
Favorite Pizza Place?
I didn't have one...
Favorite place to go out to eat?
If we're going by frequency... Chick fil A, Hungry's, Mai's, House of Pies, Lai Lai's, Jason's Deli.... I really loved Hungry's, though... especially for brunch.
Did you go to the library?
not if I could help it.... Fondren = scary
What was your Favorite Floor you'd always be on?
Freshman year: 4th south and 2nd north with Maria and Linda
Sophomore and Junior years: 4th north, 4th south (just cause I lived there) and frequent visits to Giles' room on 3rd south
Senior year: 4th central/north
Clubs, Athletics, Frat or Sororities, you joined?
HACER, HOLA, Leadership Rice, Jones Theatre, Dance Marathon, Peer Academic Advising, chug team (its a sport!)
Who made the best wings?
that one place in the Village?
Favorite Bar?
Prive (mmm... appletinis) and the senior suite ;)
Ever attend a sporting event?
at least one basketball game each year (vs UTEP), a football game, a baseball game, and a couple of IM things
Ever attend a concert or comedic performance?
some Shepherd School stuff, Phils, Spontaneous Combustion, plays...
Did you move off campus, when and where?
nope, not at all
Who were your first off-campus roommates?
Do you still talk to them?
Favorite night to go out on and where did you go?
I guess Saturday which usually involved dinner and whatever afterwards
Happy hour, where did you go?
uh.. happy hour?
Where did you get coffee?
mostly Salento and Brazil
Favorite Year of Halloween?
maybe not favorite, but one of the most memorable would be freshman year when Baker 13 came by... we were all standing inside behind Jones' big windows and some guy came up to where I was standing and wrote I *heart* U in his shaving cream.
Go see a play or been in one?
saw many... was in:
Jordache in Hunh?, directed Barefoot in the Park, coordinated/acted in Jones Night of Scenes 04, produced/stage managed Assassins, coordinated/acted in Jones Night of Scenes 05, Trish and talk show lady in Reckless
Did you ever have a job at school?
freshman - junior years: assistant at the Baker Institute, summer after sophomore and junior years: internship at Ashoka, junior and senior years: Summer Mentorship Coordinator at Leadership Rice, UNIV 309 TA junior and senior years
What do you hate about your college?
its often really hard to get people to do anything extracurricular... everyone's so involved in everything that its amazing anything ever gets organized, administration is kinda crappy, lack of space in the colleges, construction, heavy rain, getting soaked and then sitting in a freezing classroom therefore getting yourself and your entire college sick...
What did you love most about it?
the people, the colleges, the intelligence level (you don't notice how high it actually is until you leave), how it looks
Ever leave to go on a road trip, where?
Texcellent Adventure, Spring Break 2005!
Where would you believe is the best location to live in at your campus?
Jones 4th Central Suite 454... or maybe Gillis' old house... it seemed pretty nice from the outside
Graduated or still attending?
Year of graduation?
Will you go back?
no... I'm done and grad school there would be a no
How many parking tickets have you gotten there?
Finally, ever gotten arrested?