THE ACT There were the roses, in the rain. Don't cut them, I pleaded. They won't last, she said But they're so beautiful where they are. Agh, we were all beautiful once, she said, and cut them and gave them to me in my hand.
~William Carlos Williams~
i don't seemed like the kind of person who can appreciate poetry like this and sometimes good poetry makes me feel a little better...i don't know about you but i figured i'd give it a shot...
Comments 4
There were the roses, in the rain.
Don't cut them, I pleaded.
They won't last, she said
But they're so beautiful
where they are.
Agh, we were all beautiful once, she
and cut them and gave them to me
in my hand.
~William Carlos Williams~
i don't seemed like the kind of person who can appreciate poetry like this and sometimes good poetry makes me feel a little better...i don't know about you but i figured i'd give it a shot...
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