Well, here are the pics from yesterday. I didn't do any photoshopping except making them smaller, of course.
This one would be a lot better if it weren't for the fuzzyness down in the bottom left corner. It could do with some cropping.
It was a graduation party, after all. That was originally a little confetti deal on the table, and I think it turned out nicely.
Just a random pic when these thingies caught my eye. I don't see anything too special about this one.
Searching for entertainment, found cheese doodles.
Tried out the "no-flash, wave-the-camera-around" technique with some cool stained glass in the church. There's another one I like a lot too, but it's real blurry. Kinda makes you feel like you're blind.
This is one of those offering candles Kei lit. I doubt this is the same one, seeing how there were hundreds. The little flame struggling to stay caught my eye, maybe a meaningful picture?
I noticed while I was sitting behind the alter, that if you look straight up, Jesus is looking right back down. It's a little blurry, but it was pretty dark in there. Took a lot of shots at this one, and this is the only decent one.
And now, my favorite of them all...
Please don't tell me I'm the only one who sees this vague movie connection... She was even wearing the same style shirt! Please, anyone, take a stab at it, or, if you want to, sleep on it. Maybe the answer will come in your dreams.