Finally, I'm staying on my ass and putting these pictures up, and I say staying because, as we all know, sitting owns standing from behind.
Not quite during the set-up, but the ones I have of that are dull and resemble empty soda cans on the charts of awesome content. This is the storm before the tornado, before the bowel shaking earthquake.
Here's some single pictures possibly worth looking at if you're trying to find someone. Hell, this make your day.
Pete McLoone. He comes from Funland, USA.
Steve Bachx0r all down in it like a dwarf.
Distasio, props to him to having such an in-famous name. I still don't know what it is for sure.
This is...someone. His alias is Nebu, but fuck if I know his real name.
McCarth after failing Alien Swarm again. Guess he's feeling
This is Nebu again, but in a cooler picture. I think if there were to be a title to this one, it'd have to be "Fuckin' AWPers"
A post-LAN pic, a rare (and valuable) picture of me.
Oh yeah, and I lied earlier about the set-up pictures. Here's one:
These next ones are from mid-LAN tornado (ninja rope?) action.
Fuck you too buddy, you know what I mean, fuck you very much.
Paradise by the monitor light, but without the sex and marriage.
Definately no marriage or sex here either (unless you count bullets penetrating aliens).
Bawls overload! (WTF?)
LAN pasttime for those manly enough to handle it. There was also a foosball table, but that wasn't nearly as dramatic nor manly for that matter.
And for those not manly enough to play pool on the pool table, there was always the dirty, parentless hobo of a 16 year old to let you roll poolballs at his fingers at high speeds.
Now, as tradition follows, there is an obligation that must be filled after each LAN. Suddenly, the sight of thrown objects becomes more hilarious than ever before. To capture this, we throw things at people and take pictures of them.
He knew he was no match. Coward. (Turns out he has wounds from this picture).
He is Papa John.
That about raps it up. As always, leave any comments or just yell 'em at an IM box. I have some screenshots from the ending games I'll put up sometime when I'm feeling brash, so check back later.
Edit: My apologies, foosball is in fact a manly game. The only manly downside to it is that you can't eat wings and play, but you can't do that with pool either. I guess that makes them equal (at least in the way anyone should care about).