I don't even know what this is.
Ooookay so here's the thing? I don't even know what this is! It's far too short to post anywhere and there's a ton of grammatical errors and shit. I didn't feel like feeding it to Word, so I didn't. Even if I did, I wouldn't have the nerve to post this, and I wouldn't even know where to post it. There's some petrick in there, but it would probably end up more Joe/Andy. And I have yet to come across a Joe/Andy slash comm? If you know of one. Drop a line.... :]
I guess it might come as a surprise to you that I never knew about Patrick and Pete's relationship until just recently. All four of us, Patrick, Pete, Joe, and myself were exhausted from a gig we just played. Joe and I stayed behind to hang out with the opening band whereas the other two bid us goodnight and went back to the bus. It was a little after midnight when we got back, and we tried to keep as quiet as possible while moving towards the bunk area.
If only we had known that the scene before us was to change our lives forever....
Oh, who am I kidding? We would've gone in anyways.
Sticking out of Wentz's bunk were two pairs of legs! Joe and I exchanged glances. "Is that what I think it is?" Joe asked, his voice at a whisper. It was obviously Patrick and Pete. Pete's dark, slender legs were neatly entwined with Patrick's paler, slightly pudgy ones. Yep, that was them. "Yeah, that's Patrick and Wentz!" I said, tearing my gaze from the sleeping couple to Joe's own bewildered face. "Should we wake them?"
"And say what, exactly? Uh, sorry, we stumbled on to the bus and we're pretty curious why our singer and lyricist were spooning in the bunk."
"Touche," Joe replied. He nudged me and went on to whisper,
"Let's just go to bed and see if they act different tomorrow. Maybe Patrick's sheets are dirty... or he's pissed in his bunk or something." I snorted and agreed. We parted (well, turned in the opposite direction is more like it) and I crawled into my own bunk, ready for some sleep after I slipped off my glasses. Before falling asleep, I heard Joe whisper, "Hey, if I have an accident tonight, I'll have you know I'm spooning with you!