bored as hell

Nov 16, 2004 16:54

I am really bored so I took some survey thing.

my name is]: Michelle
[in the morning i am]: When will the day be over?
[love is]: Really confusing and doesn't seem real to me
[i dream about]: Clowns and things that scare me. I only have nightmares.


[what do you notice first?]: Eyes
[last person u danced with]:Well if you mean like at a dance it was alex. If you mean just dancing it was heather, i forget

-W H O-

[do you have a crush on?]: Crushes are dumb. But I guess Orlando Bloom. lol.
[easiest to talk to]: My cousin mark or my dog
[spend the most time with]: Nikki probably or just me myself and I
[spend the least time with]:Out of my friends probably em
[best friend]: There isn't just one they are all the best in different ways. But Nikki Awex Heather Emily
[worst enemy]: Caitlin a.k.a fat chick at school or myself
-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-

[fallen for your best friend]: kind of but not really (and no nikki I am not talking about u, sorry)

-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-

[you talked to on the phone]: alex
[hugged]: Awex (alex is alex btw awex is alex kamp)
[you instant messaged]: alex
[you laughed with]: nikki

-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-

[could you live without the computer?]: Probably not
[what's your favorite food?]: Black Rasberry Chip Ice cream, mexican food
[whats ur favorite fruit?]: apples, rasberries
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: Emotional pain and sometimes that leads to physical pain. But emotional stays with you longer.
[trust others way too easily?]: Not really. It takes me a long time to trust someone in the beginning even if they do nothing wrong. But if they do something wrong it takes a lot to get my trust back.
-N U M B E R-

[of times i have had my heart broken? ]: one

[of hearts i have broken?] : one
[of boys i have kissed?] : 3
[of girls i have kissed?] : god none unless u count nikki coming on to me all the time and addis. lol.

[of drugs taken illegally?] : one but more than once sadly
[of tight friends?] : 3
[of cd's that i own?] : 200 something
[of scars on my body?] : 3
[of things in my past that i regret?] : I regret nothing everything  happens for some sort of reason even if it sucks
[i know]: .that love sucks
[i want]: be happy for a long period of time
[i have]: really cool friends
[i wish]: I had a flat stomach and was beautiful
[i hate]: when people create problems where there aren't any, when people lie
[i fear]: getting really fat and not living my dream
[i hear]: judge judy.
[i search]: for something to make me happy
[i love]: music
[i care]: about my friends
[i always]: listen to music and write
[i dance]: when no one is looking
[i cry]: When something happens that I can't fix
[im not always/dont always]: Think before i speak
[i write]: songs
[i confuse]: I don't know, why don't u tell me?
[i can usually be found]: In my room
[i need]: to move out of my house
[have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing]: O god nikki cory and alex know all about this. Lets just say me and cory lost and the midget just wanted to be naked.
[favorite place to be kissed?]: goodness. hmmmmmmmm maybe my neck. I need more time to think about it.
[have you ever been caught "doing something"]: O you  mean sexually. Umm no.
[wuss]: emily Idk
[druggie]: Awex
[gang member]:amanda lol
[daydreamer]: me
[alcoholic]: my dad
[freak]: me
[brat]: my sister
[sarcastic]: me
[goody-goody]: emily
[angel]:me : )
[evil]: nikki
[friend]: nikki heather emily awex
[shy]: lee
[talkative]: nikki
[adventurous]: i don't know
[intelligent]: emily
[perfect]: No one is perfect


[your best feature (personality)]: I can make people laugh
[your biggest flaw (personality)]: I have really low self esteem, I am overbearing
[most annoying thing you do]: Bug people when they are in bad moods
[biggest mistake you've made this far]: I don't know
[describe your personality in one word]: Honest
[the physical feature for which you are most often complimented]:My eyes and boobs
[person you regret sleeping with]: I have not slept with anyone
[height]: 5'6
[a smell that makes you smile]: Smell when it rains and insense
[a city you'd like to visit]: chicago, philly, london, finland (wait that isn't a city but o  well)
[a drink you order most often]: Water
[a delicious dessert]: ice cream
[a book you highly recommend]: Go Ask Alice or IT
[the music you prefer while alone]: Depends on my mood. Like angry if I am angry, emo if i am sad, or up beat if I am happy.
[your favorite band]: The used blink 182 and HIM and CKY.
[a film you could watch over and over]: Pirates of the carribean
[a TV show you watch regularly]: 24
[you live in a(n)]: a pit of arguing and hate in a house in cinci ohio
[your transportation]: my chevy cavilir, and whoever else can drive
[under your bed or in your closet you hide]: ummmm I don't hide ne thing either place. But there is a lot of crap in both places.

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