Movies and More!

Aug 09, 2008 19:47

[19:03] Shawn: god, this sci fi original movie is bad beyond bad
[19:05] Andrew: yeah they usually are. which one arey ou watching?
[19:05] Shawn: monster ark is the name i ark...
[19:05] Andrew: also there's a lot more trash talking freepside than creepside. about creeps, about freeps, anything goes
[19:05] Shawn: there was one on earlier just called The Rock Monster or something...
[19:05] Andrew: hahah. yeah i've seen a lot of ads for that
[19:06] Shawn: The monster is made of rock!
[19:06] Shawn: This monster is made of bad special effects.
[19:06] Andrew: i've been doing cardio around 6-7, and watching various Stargate TV shows, so I' get to see ads for all the awful sci fi original movies
[19:06] Andrew: heh
[19:07] Shawn: I only started watching it because one of the "scientists" was really hot, but then I was enthralled by how terrible it is.
[19:08] Andrew: haha.
[19:08] Shawn: Uh oh, the lead soldier "Wants some answers!"
[19:09] Shawn: See, Noah put some sort of devil alien in a box...
[19:09] Andrew: hah
[19:10] Andrew: yeah i've familiar with the overall plot from the promos
[19:10] Shawn: Now that the box is open, it's going to bring a world of darkness by killing about three people a day with its teeth and claws
[19:10] Andrew: somehow it is going to bring on the end of the world?
[19:10] Andrew: 3 people a day?
[19:10] Shawn: Well, about that.
[19:10] Andrew: i'm pretty sure humanity is expanding at a far higher rate than that
[19:10] Andrew: maybe it will kill exponentially more people each day!
[19:11] Shawn: It's just some sort of a grapphopper-tiger-bear. So, you know, it jumps around and bites and claws.
[19:11] Shawn: Unless it grows some sort of missile system, I can't see it taking out enough people to matter in any way.
[19:11] Andrew: DOOM!
[19:11] Andrew: hehe.
[19:12] Andrew: maybe if the people it killed turned into demons, too.
[19:12] Andrew: then, exponential growth!
[19:12] Andrew: time to see if i can do monster pvp!
[19:12] Shawn: Also, it doesn't like explosions, so one expects you could just drop some daisy cutters on it or something
[19:12] Shawn: hah
[19:12] Andrew: or I could hit the dleving for the three tier 3 stones i need. boo
[19:12] Andrew: the leggings aren't even that dramatic of an improvement over the ones i have. they give me an extra 30 agility i think, but make me trade might for will
[19:13] Andrew: yeah people are good at making explosions
[19:13] Shawn: This is the problem with all these movies about ancient killing monsters from the past. We've come a long way...
[19:13] Andrew: 23 more minutes!
[19:13] Shawn: Bitch, we kill species we don't MEAN to
[19:13] Andrew: yeah.
[19:13] Andrew: hah
[19:14] Andrew: i like the theory about north american mega fauna... basically people moved here and obliterated all of them.
[19:14] Shawn: yup
[19:14] Shawn: Hmm, you contain a lot of meat, move slowly, and don't fear small things...
[19:15] Andrew: i guess the idea is that elephants and whatever coevolved with human hunting techniques
[19:15] Andrew: haha. yeah.. i'm not sure how the giant sloth ever came to be.
[19:15] Andrew: it just sounds liek a bad idea.
[19:15] Andrew: it should just be called the big 'n tasty
[19:16] Andrew: also Leth seems like kind of an ass.
[19:24] Shawn: hah. i hate that tool. star farming cockbag.
[19:24] Shawn: now they need a 4 qubit staff!
[19:24] Andrew: heh
[19:25] Andrew: metric qubit?
[19:25] Andrew: i've got a 4 qubit staff!
[19:25] Shawn: this is a total indiana jones ripoff, with that staff map scene
[19:25] Andrew: heh
[19:26] Andrew: to othrikar!
[19:27] Shawn: wooo
[19:29] Shawn: the dorky fat scientist was just stabbed
[19:30] Andrew: hah serves him right for being fat and smart!
[19:30] Shawn: then the monster tried to grab the lead scientist and fell down a hole instead
[19:31] Andrew: heh
[19:31] Shawn: hot scientist is now attending the wounded fat scientist. lead scientist is trapped inside and less hot scientist is trying to get the lead soldier to do something
[19:31] Andrew: heh. its a rich tapestry
[19:32] Shawn: indeed. the character depth is astounding
[19:32] Shawn: ooo, a new star wars movie. i see the money corpse is still being humped with gusto.
[19:33] Andrew: yeah i'm not a fan of george lucas
[19:36] Shawn: "I'm gonna put a bullet in his heeeead!"
[19:36] Shawn: Glorious dialog
[19:37] Shawn: Lead scientist has escaped and is having a moment with less hot scientist, who may be the sidekick from Xena.
[19:37] Andrew: hehe
[19:37] Shawn: She may just have the same bad haircut
[19:38] Shawn: My god this is terrible
[19:38] Andrew: hah yeah i think it is the same person
[19:38] Shawn: She has become wrinkly fast
[19:39] Shawn: I can stand no more
[19:39] Andrew: xena was a long time ago
[19:39] Andrew: heh aww
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