Hybriddd! It's balthier from fanfiction.net =D. So yeah...the main reason why I got a livejournal was so that I could read your stories that aren't posted on fanfiction.net. Wanna be friends? LOL. I'll add you.
I was reading "Things Unsaid" on fanfiction.net before it got deleted and I'd love to read more of it. It's hard to find good CloTi fics out there and your stories are some of my favorites.
And so I finally found my way from ff.net over to lj. ;) I wanted to drop by earlier since I adore your way of writing and your cloti stories are just awesome. Too bad that ff.net has become so strict concerning the rating... Long story short, would you mind if I add you as my friend? I'd really like to read more of your works.
Comments 103
I wanted to drop by earlier since I adore your way of writing and your cloti stories are just awesome. Too bad that ff.net has become so strict concerning the rating...
Long story short, would you mind if I add you as my friend? I'd really like to read more of your works.
PS: I'm glad you like my fictions! ^__^!
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