1. Where is your cell phone?
Near my elbow.
2. Boyfriend/girlfriend?
I am single.
3. Your hair?
Is usually red.
4. Your mother?
Is very psychotic.
5. Your father?
Better than mother.
6. Your favorite item?
I don't know.
7. Your dream last night?
I can't remember.
8. Your favorite drink?
Yay chocolate milk!
9. Your dream car?
Luxury black sedan.
10. The room you are in?
My dirty bedroom.
11. Your ex's?
No contact with'um.
12. Your fear?
Way too many.
13. What do you want to be in 10 years?
Nurse practitioner, wife.
14. Who did you hang out with last night?
Diana, myself, TV
15. What you're not?
Stupid, naive, happy
16. Muffins?
I want blueberry!
17: One of your wish list items?
Little fluffy kittens!
18. Time right now?
Two fifty nine.
19. What was the last thing you did?
Talked to Adam.
20. What are you wearing?:
Jeans, socks, shirts.
22. Your favorite book?
I don't know.
23. The last thing you ate?:
Bowl of cereal.
24. Your life?
Ugh don't ask.
25. Your mood?:
Sick, anxious, okay.
26. Your best friend?
She eats things.
27. What are you thinking about right now?:
Way too much.
28. What are you doing at the moment?:
Writing this survey.
29. Your summer?
In six months.
30. Your status?
In what regard?
31. What is on your tv?
It is off.
32. When is the last time you laughed?
Sometime last night.
33. Last time you cried?
I think yesterday.
One semester left.