Even though I do :)
Well. Welly welly welly well! I don't if you heard that loud noise just there, but that was the sound of my mind being blown. I can't believe I've seen them. Stood in their approximate area. Breathed their personal dust particles.
The ride there got a bit held up, so we arrived at almost exactly 7. Missed the first couple minutes of So Vain, but it went on for about twice its recorded length anyway, so I wasn't too perturbed. In fact, I was giddy just to be there.
^^ Blurry, but there's the crew XD Jon, Frank, Dhani (in beanie with ears!), Nick, and Jeremy. Hurrah! Most likely So Vain here.
I was just so happy XD They were there, they weren't disappointing live (as so many are)! They were, in fact, ERRRRMMAZING. Dhani sounded almost hoarse, but it was perfect. It gave him a bit of chipmunkity XD'
So, being late, I couldn't dig my way to the front :P The front was inhabited by people standing shoulder to shoulder, all at least a foot taller than me *twitch* See above picture? That was me with my arms ALL the way up, and those stupid silhouettes are STILL taking up the frame! Blurgh!
But, I was able to usually find a small window in which I could see Dhani XD He was amazing, he was hyper, he made funny hand gestures (think Yomp on Conan... he did that only on-crackishly). I couldn't believe I was in the room with him... getting him pushing the hair out of his face on video!
Pictures were pretty much impossible because he's about as quick as something between a snake and a mongoose (and a panther).. sooo I'll be capping ma videos XD
With his megaphone during Give You Love, still probably my favourite You Are Here song XDD It was a good time. I think during this song, Erica (my sister) turned to me and said "I CAN FEEL IT IN MY HEART!" She meant the bass, but it means so much more. Yeah, I went there. Sentimental moi XD
Rocking the synths during... probably still Give You Love XD I got better pictures of Nick than of Dhani! O_o
I think this was during Out of Mind... my first favourite song *sniff* Can't believe they played it. Meeeemories...
Shelter! Ohhh oh yes, so good live. Taken from a video XD
Yomp! Dhani fixin' his hair, placing it securely behind his ears XD Ohh... a man and his hands.
Mid hair-whoosh... he's insane. Love him XD
Yeah, he was not even kidding XD Might attempt to make a gif of this hand thing, because this does it NO justice!
They finished up with a super extended Choose What You're Watching... Man. Go watch the video. Look how different they all are now. He's all grown up! Where have the past 3 years gone?!
Can't remember any of his in between mumbles, but ONE was about going for tea, I remember that XD
Funniest thing my sister said: Dhani reminded her of Russel Brand *dies*
Most strangely accurate thing she said: The drummer (Frank) seemed like he didn't quite fit with the band. She said he was good, but didn't seem to match. She's so intuitive..
The Heartless Bastards were so good! I'd never heard them before, but y'all should check 'em out! Saw the singer out at the merch stand. I was too geekily sheepish to say anything to her, but she seemed really nice XD
Wolfmother was rockin'. Like... they're insane XD Ahh, poodle hair. While they were setting up, Let It Down played and I almost fell apart *sniff*
So. That's actually a pretty bad representation of my night! I can't really put it in words :o But I hope this gives you some idea XD