Tagged by
jesatria First: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ. Replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.
Second: Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do it. Don't tag who tagged you. (Yeah, whatever.)
1. Lots of pillows or just one?
Just one, but it has to be fluffy and big.
2. What kind of books do you read?
SF/F but I don't mind the occasional thriller/historical/classic/lit book.
3. What are your most awesome skills?
I don't really have a talent that jumps out, I think, but I'm really good at remembering trivia, which can be useful if I want to impress people with random knowledge.
4. What's your occupation?
Med school student. But I'm trying to get a job in the hospital. The pay is pretty good for med students. And like, I have to get off my behind.
5. What's really creepy?
Zombie/monster babies. They're tiny. They crawl. They will scare the shit out of you. Thanks, Neil Gaiman, for grossing me out with that formaldehyde cannibal baby in the Sandman.
Moths are really creepy and gross. They spazz and fly in your face (and that hurts, okay). But I'm guessing this is just me.
6. What's the last thing you ate?
Rice with Iranian stew (tomatoes, zucchinis, little chunks of meat and onion and tons of spices) and salad. Good stuff, good stuff.
7. What's been making you smile lately?
Terry Pratchett. I'm rereading a lot of the Discworld books and they never fail to make me smile/howl with laughter. He's a genius and totally worth it if you like parodies, because his parodies are not only amazing and hilarious but also poignant and touching. ILU, pterry.
8. What websites do you always visit when you go online?
LJ. Journalfen (the wank communities). My email accounts. Google and Wikipedia, because I like searching up stuff. I try to tone it down when it comes to TVTropes.
Also, I’m spending way too much time on
TruTV Crime Library. I now know more about notorious serial killers and murderers and kidnappers than I should. Luckily it doesn't come back to haunt me when I try to sleep.
9. What was the last thing you bought?
The med school books I need this year. That's about 550 euros down the drain. :[
But now I own books about cancer, urology, cells and body examination and shit (figuratively)! Also, I had to buy a (dark green) stethoscope, with which I've been goofing around (It made my parents squee. They totally loved me having a stethoscope). I so can't wait for body examination lessons. The ones where we don't have to stand around in our underwear, so people can paint on us, that is. XD
10. What's the cutest thing you've seen today?
They have giant water lily leafs (Victoria Amazonica) in Blijdorp Zoo and TV was showing us how they have an annual
baby-on-leaf picture shoot, because those leafs can carry up to 40 kilos. The babies were soooooo cute, all smiley and cuddly. Me and my dad were like "D'awwwww, how precious!"
11. Do you get cravings? If so, what do you crave?
I get cravings for stuff covered in mayonnaise and garlic sauce. Like, it could be bread or fries, or crackers, or rice, it doesn't matter. Sauce makes everything better. It also makes me fat, so I can't indulge. :(
12. Who would you go gay/straight for?
I'm bi. I think a lot of people are pretty/cool/hot.
I used to joke with my friend that I'd go Christian for Jesus from that Judas Gospels documentary.
Pretty eyes are pretty (Around 4:59). *_*
13. What is your zodiac sign?
Gemini. I think it's a pretty cool sign. And aesthetically pleasing. I don't think it totally fits me (not that I believe in astrology) but the description sounds cool.
14. Do you want to learn another language?
YESSSS. I need to polish up my Farsi and I so want to get better in German. I was pretty good at it but I forgot a lot. But German is so close to Dutch, it can't be hard to get good at it again. I would also like to learn a South European language, like Spanish or Italian. But that's just a pipe dream.
15. Can you do any accents? If so, which?
I'm hilariously inept when it comes to accents.
16. Favorite place you've ever been?
I've visited a lot of cool places, like half the capitals of Western Europe, but Ghent will always be close to my heart. It's like Bruges, like a fairy tale city with amazing buildings and churches and cute squares. Also, people speak my language. :D
17. Shoes or barefoot?
Shoes. But barefoot in the house.
18. Say something to the person who tagged you.
You make me want to read Tamora Pierce books but I wouldn't know where to start.
19. What are you reading right now?
I'm busy in a Kushiel's Dart book, which I enjoy, though many things are boggling/annoying me (This is to be expected when you're reading about a country full of Mary Sues descended from fallen angels). The intrigue is cool but the porn is... not cool. Pretty shitty, actually. XD
This was basically my explanation for the books in chat: "Weeeell. Jesus sorta kinda has a baby with the Earth and this dude becomes the main deity in France. Mostly it has angels and crap. And different names for countries. Like Terre d'Ange for France. Or Le Serenisisisisima for Venice."
20. What is your favorite animal?
God, I dunno. Birds are rad. I also rather like mongooses.
If I'd have to pick between cats and dogs, I'd go for rodents. But I'm not really a pet person, anyway.
21. What is your favorite vacation destination?
Any cool European city will do. But like I said, I like Ghent.
22. What are you going to do next year?
Study. Work in a senior home as a nurse (med students have to do this at some point, I've already heard tons of horror stories). Study some more.
23. Does the weather affect your mood?
I get a little depressed when the weather is overcast but I love rain. It feels nice. I hate humid hot weather, I get a little tetchy when that happens. Winter weather is cool, but early spring is the best.
24. What song is in your head right now? If the answer is none, what's the last song you had in your head?
The Prince of Egypt soundtrack. What a lovely animated movie and what a soundtrack.
Also, The Nutcracker. ♥ Tchaikovsky.
That other meme: Ask me my fannish Top Five [Whatevers]. Any top fives. Doesn't matter what, really! And I will answer them all in a new post.
Top 5 songs you associate with your fandoms
I'm on a Boat/
Jizz in my Pants. There was this great Star Trek parody based on I'm on a Boat and it was rad. Jizz in my Pants because I would only see such a term in fandom.
misstopiasaid Jizz in my Pants is such a Theon song and now I can't get that out of my head. XD
Pretty When You Cry by VAST. It's connected to Tokyo Babylon/X fandom for me. The ultimate Seishirou/Subaru song (Either that or that stalker song by the Police. You know the one).
You made me the thief of your heart by Sinéad O'Connor (Ignore the fact that it's a Guy/Marian vid. It was the best version of the song I could find on YouTube). I think
pojypojy once recced it as a Sansa/Sandor song, and it's a pretty good fit. But I mostly like it because it's so... Sinéad. Heh.
4. Wolf at the Door by Radiohead, because someone in a Harry Potter meta post once recced it. I then listened to it approximately 300 times.
GRRM is not your bitch. >.>
Top 5 Mediums Besides TV You'd Adapt ASOIAF In, for
greyfable I cheated. This started as Top 5 Media but ended up as Top 5 Adaptations. Because WTH was I going to pick? ASOIAF: The Telegraph version? I don't think my definition of mediums is as clear as it should be. >.>
1. Radio Series. Not like an audiobook with only one narrator but like the famous Lord of the Rings radio series with many many voice actors being involved. And sound effects.
2. Okay, you said beside TV, but I don't want to mention Live Action, I want to mention Animation. An animated ASOIAF would be SO sweet. The Prince of Egypt Style or Batman: tAS style or even certain anime styles would be freaking rad too.
3. ASOIAF: The Musical. Nuff said.
4. ASOIAF: The Comic. But not American style, but Euro style or indi comic company style. I always thought that those have more character than some of the bland stuff DC and Marvel produces.
5. ASOIAF: The Computer Game. I'm not even a game geek but it would be so sweet.
Top 5 plot twists in a book/movie/series, for
Maurice by E.M. Forster. Maurice gets the boy. So fluffy and cute. *sniff*
2. Perdido Street Station by China Mieville has a shitton of plot twists but the ones that hurt were Lin being mentally stunted and Yagharek being a rapist. I was kinda sorta spoiled for the book but it still hurt.
3. I read the Goblet of Fire before the Prisoner of Azkaban and was duly spoiled, which is a shame because I think 11 year old me would flip out and gasp at the Shrieking Shack chapters.
4. The Edgeworld series was of my favourite fantasy series. The part where Twig finds his father Cloud Wolf again, to see him dissolve in the ether was just really sad and unexpected. Cloud Wolf :((((
5. Granny by Anthony Horowitz, where it turns out the main character is at an Evil Granny convention (where grannies exchange how-to-annoy-younger-people tricks and hand out prizes for the most evil grannies). Guys, I read this book just about 30 times when I was a kid. I loved this book soooo much. Actually, many plot twists by Anthony Horowitz are totally awesome. Now I want to reread them again, but I'm afraid that would ruin my fond memories.
The orchestra has a performance on Sunday, the junior version of the Veerhavenconcert (Rotterdam's feeble attempt at Amsterdam's junior Prinsengrachtconcert). The problem is that we haven't practised in ages. We've only done Gershwin one time through. So tomorrow we have to practise from 10 AM till 11 PM. My period just started and I'm doubling over in pain. *clutches head* WE ARE SO DOOOMED.