Title: Clash of the Idiots
Author's name: cloudblood
Pairing(s): Rob/Ed
Rating: PG
Warnings: Un-beta'd. Frat-boyish party mentality.
A brief summary: Rob/Ed-centric nonsense.
Author's notes: Here's that companion piece. Enjoy it. I have another story that will be posted soon in logos_00-style parts.
Wordcount: 308
“We’re already drinking at the party. Why should we be drinking right now?” Ed spied the bottle of whiskey warily.
“It’s like the warm-up party. You get to start on the buzz and you’re already feeling no pain before you get there.” Rob paused, “It’s like the pre-party before the frat party.”
“Oh, that makes perfect sense,” Ed replied but thought to an idiot.
“So, let’s line ‘em up.” Rob got the bottle open as Ed lined up six shot glasses-three per person.
The bottle worried Ed. Some people got violent, some cried and some just drank themselves into a stupor with it. He was afraid that it would one of the first two that would do him in.
After the three shots were finished, they walked out to the street to hail a cab.
After the party had been going on for a few hours, they decided to rummage through Stephen’s linen closet for anything interesting.
They only found some sheets, “These would make great togas Rob!”
Rob grinned evilly and nodded, “Yes they would, and lookie here. There are toy swords here in the closet. Remember last Halloween? He had those swords and carried them around to pretend to be a blacksmith! He’s an odd one. Let’s get dressed in togas and we can have a sword fight!”
Ed nodded enthusiastically and did as Rob had told him. Of course, the three shots of whiskey, five of tequila, seven of rum and two of vodka couldn’t have hurt his decision-making at all.
He also knew that Rob drank even more than himself, “You know, after this, we could go to that park with the huge fountain and have sex there.”
Rob paused a moment. He nodded, “Yes. Give some one bail just in case.”
Ed smiled and scampered off to do as he was told.