Title: Mystique 2.0 --Without the Evil
Summary: Tonks love of X-Men meets her metamorphagus abilities. written for a ficlet challenge over @
hh_sugarquill, part of
hogwartsishomeCharacters/Pairings: Nymphadora Tonks
Genre: gen/humor
Rating/Warnings: G
Nymphadora Tonks let out a sigh and kicked the wall. She’d been sitting in this chair and facing the wall for 30 minutes and she was already bored and she still had another 30 minutes left.
And it was stupid, really! She wasn’t sure how she’d done what she had, it had just happened. She’d tried to explain that to her mum and dad but they were too freaked out about what had happened to listen as well as wondering how it had happened. They were also worried how to explain this to Uncle Mike. He knew that his brother was a wizard and that the woman he married was a witch and so was their child. But knowing something and seeing something is totally different. And even though she didn’t know exactly what she had done, it was definitely magic.
Tonks sighed again and looked out of the corner of her eyes at her ears. They were still blue and still pointy. She bit her lip, wondering how long this would last. She hoped not too long, she was just three weeks away from going to Hogwarts and she didn’t want everyone to think she was a freak. And boy, did she look like one.
She thought back to what happened. She had been up in her room reading the latest X-men comics her uncle had brought while he and her parents talked in the kitchen. She had paused in her reading thinking how cute Nightcrawler look. She swore it had to do with his pointy ears. She had wished that she had cute, blue, pointy ears too. And then her ears had itched and she had gone to scratch it. While she had been scratching her ears she realized that she had more ear than before.
She’d rushed to her bedroom window to see her reflection. She had gasped because she had blue, pointy ears, just like Nightcrawler. And then she let out a squee. It had been sort of exciting, she recalled. She had rushed to the kitchen to show her parents this new development, momentarily having forgotten that her uncle was there and not used to magical acts.
She had burst into the kitchen full of excitement over her Nightcrawler ears. Her parents hadn’t shared her enthusiasm and her uncle had passed out over seeing his niece with blue elf ears. And that is what had gotten her in her current predicament. She let out another sigh and wondered once more how long it would last.