Was browsing on ebay and found some interesting images from the cells they are selling in GSD... I thought I would share it here ^^
KiraCaga Cell Illustration
Notice how the hands are cut off XD they could very possibly be holding hands lol~ ::dream::
What I am kind of suprise is that they actually refer them as twins... I just realized that, we always refer them as twins in fanfics, but in the series, Cagalli only claim that she was the older sister once... they've never really refer each other as brother/sister... the only time it was mentioned was by Yuna >.>; It almost seems like half the time, they try to blur out the fact that they are siblings...
Another Figurine Promo Image
Notice the fingers of the figurine actually hold together XD
It's really the best thing you can get for a KiraCaga fan! lol XD
Another Illustration from Official File
I've post this before XD but I think it fits well with this post
My KiraCaga Birthday Fanart
Just posted this in my last entry, going to post it again so I can just cross-post to
kiraxcagalli_gs lol~