1. A real baby this time? I guess the kids of whatever crew member brought the plastic doll they used last time wanted their toy back ;-)
2. "And is there anything we should be doing to actually help the patient?" - Seriously. Taub = favourite new duckling.
3. Are the specifics of the theoretically double-blind drug trial now the latest gossip material for lunch with a colleague where anyone might overhear? Also, Foreman should listen to Chase. Not that he will, I suppose.
3a. The beginning of their lunch conversation amuses me, though - with the two of them carrying out completely different conversations without really listening to the other at first.
4. Has Cuddy been horse-back riding before she came to the hospital? She almost looks dressed the part…
5. Er. "Do not play his games?" This from the woman who has pretty much always played his games, at least in the recent seasons, up to and including the time where he sent his subordinates to steal the underwear she was wearing? If you let your employees get alway with that kind of behaviour, that advice really doesn't sound too convincing.
6. When Thirteen talks about "seeing an improvement", I wonder - has she even started showing symptoms yet? There was this one test where she had to tap her fingers and couldn't keep her mouth shut, but it took Foreman to tell her that the results were off, she didn't notice it herself. It seems to be a somewhat suspicious coincidence - especially given how young she is - that she should start to develop symptoms just a comparatively short time after finally taking the test to find out if she even had Huntington's. It's a bit like in those cartoon movies where a character runs over a cliff, but doesn't start falling until they actually look down and see that they're standing on thin air.
7. I'm sorry, but every time I hear the name "Remy" I think of the rat chef from Ratatouille, and I don't think that's going to change anytime soon.
8. So apparently the drug trial really is the latest gossip material which can be discussed with anyone Foreman feels like sharing with. Got it.
9. Has Wilson's role in the show now officially been reduced to Cuddy's baby counsellor? I miss his and House's interactions.
10. *dies* at the handholding scene with House and Kutner. What do he (Kutner, not House) and Taub have to do to get at least some of the spotlight that Thirteen constantly gets? I want to see more of them.
11. What exactly is it that makes Thirteen suddenly sprout about wanting children with such a dreamy smile on her face? Even leaving aside the 50 percent chance of any offspring of hers inheriting her disease, which admittedly is a rather sensitive ethical problem, did she not watch the "I hated my mother and wanted her to die because she ruined my childhood with her illness!" flashbacks we were subjected to a couple of episodes back? What makes her so sure any child of hers would feel more generous towards her?
12. "You brought me a runny nose!" Does that make anyone think of the "lend me your ears" scene from the Robin Hood - Men in Tights parody? Ew…
13. Methinks Kutner's little phone call to Cuddy comes a bit late.
13a. But you know, if I had the top of my head cut open and doctors stirring around in my brain, I'd be pretty annoyed too if I had to listen to a baby crying and her mother freaking out in the background. Not so much because of the crying thing itself, but rather because of, hello, would you mind putting down the phone and focus on my open head please? Let alone the fact that they're loudly arguing about whether what they're doing is okay or totally crazy and irresponsible in the presence of the patient. Are they trying to give her a panic attack?
14. *g* Baby Rachel's wide-eyed stare when Cuddy hands her over to House is priceless. The kid looks panicked somehow. Can't blame her, really.
15. You know, I think the real reason the patient is "so good with these annoying kids" is simply the fact that this special ed class is very special indeed in that it seems to consist of the most angelic, well-behaved, adorable-looking and highly functional kids one could wish for. I think I'll need to show this episode to my sister, who's a special ed teacher - she might have a thing or two to say about that. Or three or four or five.
16. Seriously, even though Cameron quit and Cuddy's coming back, the only difference I can see is the hair colour. Why do they even pretend that anyone is controlling House? He'll end up doing what he wants anyway.
17. I'm not quite sure how Foreman's switching Thirteen to the real drug works - we see him putting a sticker with what must be her patient number in the trial (213) over another sticker (118). Given that I assume they keep track of their medication supply and he can't just make another bag appear out of thin air, he'd have to then give the bag that was originally supposed to go to Thirteen to patient #118, meaning that a patient who had received the real drug so far would then suddenly be on the placebo? Yeah, that won't screw with the trial results at all.
18. Overall, with the Cuddy-baby, House/Cuddy and Foreteen plots taking more and more of the spotlight, I have to say I miss House the medical mystery show. House the hospital soap has a great lead character and its occasional brilliant moments, but it's just not the same. And it has no clinic duty! *pouts*