Title: the turbid ebb and flow of human misery
Rating: PG
Prompt: rain; 025. Post-Ep
Summary: In which Jake asks, and Wil answers. Sort of. Wil/Jake
Jakob became more awkward, clumsier, once he was alone with his brother. He fumbled the buttons on his clothes, the horses' tack, the pot as he took it off the fire. Wil found it very hard to endure.
He turned his head to look at Jake, watched the firelight flicker over his face as he ate. Jake was obviously uncomfortable, but Wil didn't move, just brooded on the day, the rain, his brother. It had been a very long time since it was just the two of them. There had always been their partners-in-crime, Hidlick and Bunst, and more recently Anjelika and her village, and Cavaldi the Italian torture-master. It had been a long time since they were alone together, Wil thinks, and says as much out loud. Jakob jumped, spilled some of his dinner.
He looked at Wil, and then he said, "Why'd you do it?"
Wil blinked. "Do what?" he asked.
Jake looked down, and maybe his face was a little red. "Let go," Jake said, quietly, and memories wanted to flood but Wil pushed them away. Somehow, he'd known this would come. Jake's cheeks were definitely red. "When I thought she had you ..." He trailed off, and said nothing else for a very long time.
Eventually, Wil said, "One of us had to let go." When Jake averted his eyes, Wil continued, "You, at least, had a chance of getting out."
Jake snorted, angry and disbelieving. "Whatever happened to beans?"
When Wil answered, he sounded small and far away. "That's exactly it, Jake." He looked everywhere but his brother. "Beans."
Jake finished his supper in silence.
Comments: Title from Matthew Arnold's "Dover Beach". Also, as a note that would probably only interest me, I went with the most awkward-looking name spellings I could find, because German, believe it or not, is a pretty awkward-sounding language. Also also, I am really lame. I wrote this, then thought, this doesn't fit with my wordclaim, so I went back and edited the word 'rain' in. Er, yeah.