Title: In which Chas Kramer makes an Interesting New Friend
Prompt: rain, 032. First Time
Summary: "But if you're willing to wait," the man continued, "I'll need a ride home."
Chas was contemplating whether or not to pick the guy up.
Sure, the guy was wet (it had stopped raining about ten minutes ago, which meant he'd been walking for quite a while); sure, it was a bit of a seedy neighbourhood; sure, it was so late it was practically early, and no sane person should be awake right now; sure, the guy wasn't even hailing him -
Oh, what the hell. He might get a fare out of it. At this point, any fare, no matter how insane, was preferable to cruising the dead city, unable to make rent because no one wanted to pay him to drive them ...
Chas slowed and stuck his head out the window. "Hey, mister," he called. "Can I take you somewhere?"
The man turned, face blank, and eyed him appraisingly. Eventually, he said, "Two houses down." Chas cursed under his breath and slammed his hand against the steering wheel. "But if you're willing to wait," the man continued, "I'll need a ride home."
Chas thought about it. Then he shrugged. "Sure," he said. He pulled up in front of the decrepit old apartment building and turned his engine off. "Nothing better to do, anyways."
The man was almost inside the building before Chas leaned back out the window and said, "Hey. What - what's your name?"
The man looked at him coolly. "John Constantine," he replied.
"I'm Chas Kramer," Chas said, but John Constantine had already disappeared into the dim lobby. Oh well.
It was actually pretty boring, the waiting, but Chas could handle it.
At least until a rather large lamp blasted out of a window and hit the ground about a foot in front of his car.
Notes: Oh, Constantine. Why is there nothing out there?