Plato Fajitas

Jun 27, 2010 23:49

X-posted to the Fanci Fun Time Blog.

I got my pilates on yesterday morning, including bridge work that put weight on my arched feet. It was the first time in weeks I'd done a full-on pilates workout and maybe the fourth time I'd worked out in the last month. My body was ill prepared for me jumping back into things, I guess! Last night, I felt this sharp pain in my left foot. It was just like the sharp pain I'd felt in my right foot two years before (and still intermittently feel). "Aw crap. Is this a stress fracture?"

My normal M.O. would be to ignore it and wait for it to get better as I limp around my house, my work, the grocery, etc. But I actually dragged myself to a primary care facility this morning, where my foot got x-rayed and I wished that I'd gotten a pedicure when I saw the backs of my heels and the sad state of my nail polish. I did so because I am tired of being broken and not fixing myself, and if I want to take care of myself in the long term, including continuing to work out so I can lose weight, enjoy sports, and be healthier, I have to start being serious about it.

Anyway, doc says I have plantar fasciitis, which I promise to learn how to spell by the end of tomorrow. Whassat? Uh. There's some kind of inflammation, and I likely just surprised the tissue in my foot with all this exciting bearing of body weight in new and asinine ways, and now I'm hobbling around the house like a pirate with a short leg, taking steroid pills for the inflammation and ginger ale to keep those down.

The doc suggested I roll a tennis ball with my foot to help stretch it out. My nurse said he has the same condition and gave me tips on exercises he does in the morning. The internet tells me there are varying treatments, and it may be that none are effective, or I could be over this in 6 weeks, or a year. While I'm glad to know what's wrong (and to think that maybe the same problem affects my right foot), the long term nature of the cure is a bit daunting. Not to mention being told to no longer do that exercise in pilates. I'm kind of running out of options for working out here. I can't walk on this for a while, and I don't think weightlifting is a good idea, either. It's back to resting and maybe easing into the elliptical in a few weeks, and lots of stretching.

This isn't terrible, just a bit discouraging. The only real downside is that I was attempting to get back into my exercise habit, and this is going to delay it. I guess I just need to focus on my eating habits for now for weight loss.

On the bright side, I'm going to try the same exercises with my right foot and see if it gets better along with my left.

health, fitness, injury

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