I've been working a lot and saving up. Today I spent all my money. On this: MacBook! About time for an upgrade from my 1999 iMac, I think. Estimated to arrive June 1st... ahhh I don't want to wait two weeks...!!
Yeah, when you got that one I was thinking "maaan I want a laptop too, why won't the MacBook come out yet??" I've been waiting...now just a couple more weeks...
Beautiful! You do so much on the computer that you really deserved a new machine. I hope it has all the bells and whistles and fanciness that you want! Do you have one of those tablet drawy things, btw?
I have one of those tablets, but I never used it much so my boyfriend has been borrowing it. He draws me silly pretty pictures with it. Like unicorns and dinosaurs. I don't do too much with drawing on the computer, I can use a mouse easily so I haven't needed the tablet- the thing I really need more online time for is promoting and marketing and you know ACTUALLY UPDATING MY WEBSITE. So hopefully I'll be able to do more of that soon, with a laptop I can be on the computer when I'm not at home- so a lot more, yay!
Comments 7
I want one of those so bad. *Giggles*
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