Fri, 15:27: RT @ cathroon: what if u booted up resi4 remake and moushley was on leon's head controlling him like ratatouille, what would you do🧀 well,…
Fri, 11:22: RT @ alexd0tnet: "hey man i wish SOMEBODY would credit WHOEVER made the Dk Rap that'd be AWESOME i wish they would say his NAME" https://t.c…
Tue, 16:45: RT @ Aimee_Ogden: Gosh it's too bad that no one has written one single fantasy novel in the last 15 years so that producers could turn somet…
Wed, 10:41: RT @ noturtlesoup17: Good morning from the Cleveland Park Library in DC, where Posobiec, Libs of TikTok, Kirk Cameron, and Sean Spicer will…
Mon, 12:27: RT @ Flailmorpho_: tiktok getting banned mostly reminds me of a lot of americans brag about how "America would never censor a website from b…
Mon, 12:35: RT @ FF_XIV_EN: We are holding a #FFXIV Stormblood Sweepstakes to celebrate the expansion being free for a period of time! To enter: 1️⃣ Vi…
Sun, 12:10: RT @ SunshineMoonRX: AdventureQuest was (is) the ultimate Teen Cool Game because it had a section of the map that's a forest with a vampire-…
Sat, 14:26: RT @ briggityboppity: remember when that cop thought burger king put dirt on his whopper but it turned out to be black pepper and the one t
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Sat, 07:52: RT @ lovelive_SIF_GL: Love Live! School idol festival 2 MIRACLE LIVE! Global Version is currently in the works! 🆕 And it's gonna be releas…