- Sora's birthday is June 23rd and he is 5' 4" (too lazy to figure out what this is in cm)
- Sora is predominantly white-American but mixed-race in the way that he's like 1/512th of everything and if you ask, he has no clue, really. So he fills in "Caucasian."
- Even though he was born and raised on an island in Florida, he would probably fit in best settling down in the heart of America, somewhere in the midwest.
- He owns one pair of shoes because he has to get them custom-made (if you're not familiar, please google him and you will see how big his feet are.)
- He wears gloves because when he first discovered he was a mutant, he held his hands out and something slammed into them. It really hurt. He wears gloves now.
- He's tried brushing and combing his hair before. It was just always this bad.
- "Ilsley" is his last name, but he never likes introducing himself with it. He's just "Sora." His parents and his friends don't call him "Ilsley," so he recognizes that it's his name but he doesn't consider himself foremost an Ilsley.
- He has a bunch of extended family (if you wish to be added to his family, PLEASE let me know) but he honestly can't name everyone/has never met everyone/isn't all that close with his family.
- The reason is that his nuclear family (mom, dad, Sora) are the only ones in FL and his parents hate traveling/mom doesn't get along with dad's side/etc.
- Sora is really bad at: math, science, current events, and especially technology. He's so behind on the times that he doesn't know an iPod (or w/e the equivalent is) is an MP3 player. He doesn't know what MP3s are.
1). Backtagging: Yes. No need to ask permission.
2). Threadhopping: Yes. But Sora's very social and outspoken so I reserve the right to: reply to the threadhop to continue or ask your character to leave.
3). Fourthwalling: Yes. He's not actually from KH in XI so I don't see why this would be a problem. If you think he looks like idk what the equivalent is (there isn't one) but for instance, "Aros" from "Farawayland Livers" or something, he might think it's cool and go as Aros for halloween or something.
4). Canon puncture: Yes. See fourthwalling.
5). Offensive subjects (elaborate): Yes. If you talk about something he's uncomfortable with, he'll ask you to stop or get angry (and move the conversation elsewhere)! But don't handle him with kid gloves if it's OOC for your character.
1). Hugging this character: Yes! The worst he'll do is freeze up.
2). Kissing this character: Sure, but I'm not sure how he'll react. The worst he'll react is probably the same as hugging, with an awkward "Gee I'm sorry but I don't feel this way about you" talk following.
3). Flirting with this character: Go right ahead. It'll probably go over his head...
4). Fighting with this character: Yes! He's all for friendly fights, and you know, if you're hurting his friends, he'll come fight you too.
5). Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Give me a heads up. As long as it doesn't go into godmode territory, it's cool. I'll decide severity when I play him "getting hit." If you don't like the "SO THEN HE MOVED HIS HAND IN A WAY THAT COULD POSSIBLY PUNCH [ A ] IN THE HEAD" then please discuss it with me and we can prewrite the injuries and scenario to avoid it! Sora's built tough, so unless you're Aizen from Bleach, I will expect your character to also sustain injuries.
6). Killing this character: Please talk to me about this. This will mainly cause a lot of unnecessary angst among his CR and I'm not sure I want to inflict that on them.
7). Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Yes. If you warn me beforehand, I will try to supply you with information on how Sora's thinking, or you could ask me for specific thoughts. But please don't just make stuff up in case I want to recant it! I don't want to make you delete and repost.
Mostly consists of...
Shorts, short-sleeved tops, belts, things with zippers, gloves.
But he usually wears...
All of that. + winecrushingly huge sneakers.
And he cannot live without...
His shoes, because they're custom-made.
His style is...
Lacking. Casual Floridian. With belts.