Title: 500 years of solitude [4/?] Author clubotaku Pairing: Kris/Luhan with minor Sehun/Luhan, Lay/Luhan Characters: EXO-M with mentions of Hangeng, Victoria and others Rating: PG Genre: Romance, Supernatural, Historical Au! Previous chapters( [1] )
I came here for the Krishan but you can't honestly blame me for SHIPPIN' ALLLL THE LAYHAN because cries look at how Yixing takes care of him and worries about him and MY LIFE WILL BE A LIE IF HE DOES NOT HAVE FEELINGS FOR LU HAN son you can't kiss him and leave me hanging please plan your next move, I would greatly appreciate such advances. But then all of a sudden Wu Fan is actually making an appearance SQUEALS my excitement cannot be contained, I'm going to roll into a corner until the next update or something. Also. Sehun. PEASANTS HAHAHAHAHAHA. He would.
Thank youuu even though the Krishan has yet to come <3 Layhan are bff's, I love them, esp with Lay's whole 'can't be bothered to change' thing with Luhan. Hahaha Hangeng Ge would say: MEN CAN HAVE NO FEELS FOR OTHER MEN. BE A MAN. DO THE RIGHT THING.
But he says nothing about foxes ;) Oh Kris, how can he compete against a unicorn and his Supreme Ambassador-in-training Sehun?
Comments 4
But he says nothing about foxes ;) Oh Kris, how can he compete against a unicorn and his Supreme Ambassador-in-training Sehun?
Edit: Updated!
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