Title: "Still Building" and "Absent Friends"
Author: Elaiel
Rating: Both broadly PG
Word count: 1429 and 1028 words
Warnings: no real warnings required (nudity, drinking and mention of canon character death).
Characters: Brody and Brody & James
Author's notes: Happy holidays
mgsmurf! I couldn't decide which prompt to write and one idea I had I was worried came
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Comments 3
Well done. Very nice friend moment that we should have seen. Brody is the perfect barman.
I really like way the second story addresses what it's like living on Destiny--not just the big disasters, but the challenge of the quiet moments too. And Brody makes a perfect bartender!
I love them both. The history of Brody's stills was great. And they all had names! Although, I do wonder what the stills made for the SGC were for. Thought the second one was sweet, and you wrote Brody/Vanessa! Not too h/c at all, a little sad, but also a great set up for Vanessa being all about drinking on her birthday and needing a friend.
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