Just an update on my TTC/RE visit since I know some of you were interested.

Dec 05, 2012 22:09

So... my body is insane. It took me awhile to even post with an update because I've just been kinda frustrated/let down/out of my mind. I have been working with a diagnosis of PCOS for over 10 years. After my exam and everything, the RE doesn't even think I have PCOS! Aside from having and she didn't see an abnormal amount of cysts on my ovaries. She thinks I'm just not ovulating regularly/at all because of my weight and excess estrogen. So, She wants to try a drug similar to Clomid... not Clomid, can't remember the name, that apparently gets better results than Clomid. She also wants me to lose at least 3 BMI points before we start that. And she also wants me to visit a high risk OB for a consult since I will be high risk once we do conceive. Meanwhile we're just left waiting again. Okay, that left me dissapointed, but at least we're going somewhere.

Okay... then my body decided to play a trick on me and ovulate!! I haven't ovulated on my own in 7 years. My breasts were hurting a ton and I was super randy and that made me start thinking something was up and then I got a normal period 7 days later.... I'm not used to ovulating, so from what I've been reading and given the time frame I think the breast tenderness was post-ovulatory. No, we didn't get pregnant, likely because the sex was timed completely wrong, but any ovulation is good ovulation! Ever since I've been using OPKs and they got slowly darker for awhile and they just stayed at the same darkness-- not a true positive but I've never has a true positive. I was racking my brain trying to figure out why I ovulated when I remembered that I'd taken BCPs from last October to this past June, hoping going off would help me ovulate. I didn't even mention this to the RE, but that may be why my ovaries didn't appear cystic and it might be why they were clear enough to ovulate (she saw three follicles on the u/s two weeks before I got my period). I'm going to discuss it with her when she calls back with my test results. Yes, I know some woman have annovulatory bleeding, but I don't. I just don't. And given all the symptoms, and the full-on period, I'm certain I ovulated.

Anyway... so I'm in this weird spot, but hoping for another ovulation. And I'm feeling positive about the weightloss plan we decided on.

x-posted to cluckyttc
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