BARGE Observations

Aug 03, 2009 14:11

1. The median age of BARGErs must be getting close to 50. Lots of balding, graying heads.

2. A record number of BARGErs now have serious weight problems. Many of us need to take a lesson from Goldie, Jester, Asya and Jaeger, who have made some impressive progress.

3. 1 & 2 above taken together probably indicate an unpleasant impending trend in BARGEr mortality rates, already at a depressing level.

4. The average quality of poker in the not increasing. This might be obvious, but take any random group of poker players and subtract Melissa Hayden, Paul Phillips, Greg Raymer, Andy Bloch, Jerrod Ankenman, Bill Chen, Steve Brecher, Gavin Smith, Russ Rosenblum and Andrew Prock, and the average skill level is going to drop. Having said that, I note that for the second year in a row I failed to even sniff the money in any of the tournaments.

5. This was my 11th BARGE. For the past few years, and especially this year, the proceedings have taken on a kind of "Groundhog Day" quality for me. Need to think about whether BARGE may have run its course for me.
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