In the last 24 hours, have you:
[Cried?]: no
[Gotten sick]: yes
[Been kissed?]: yes
[Felt stupid?]: yes
[Told someone you loved them]: yes
[Met someone new?]: the waitress from tgi fridays who was def from minnesota.
[Moved on?]: YES
[Talked to an ex?]: yes :(
[Missed an ex?]: a little bit
[Talked to someone you have a crush on?]: yes<3
[Had a serious talk?]: yes.
[Hugged someone?]: yes
[Fought with your parents?]: not really
[Done something your parents said no to]: no
[Would you rather be with friends or on a date?]: i wish i was with some jenny and mel. right now. and some thomas wouldnt hurt.
[Where is the best hangout?]: whever your friends or the music are.
[Do you have a job?]: i wish.
[Do you like being around?]: lauren,mel,jenny,thomas,marlin,jim.
[Have you known the longest]: jimmy
[Do you argue the most with?]: jimmy
[Do you always get along with?]: everyone really.
[Makes you laugh the most?]: Lauren,and everyone above - jim when thier fucked up.
[Has been there through all the hard times?]: jim and lauren w/o a doubt
[Has the coolest parents?]: lauren duh.
[Has the coolest siblings?]: lauren.
[Is the most blunt?]: thomas id say lauren or me..
[Is the smartest?]: all of us.
Other stuff...
[Who is your role model?]: geoff rickly.
[Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with?]: everyone has a chance
[Have you ever cried over the opposite sex?]: yeah..
[Do you have a "type" of person you always like]: yeah, usually their personalitys suck so i end up with the other guy.
[Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you]: yes.
[Rather be the dumper or dumped?]: dumper..never been the dumped.
[Rather have a relationship or a "hookup"?]: relationship
[Ever liked your best guy/girl friend?]: yes.
[What is your favorite part of your physical appearance?]: eyes, hair.
[What is your favorite part of your emotional being?]: i dunno im too over emotional. meh.
[Are you happy with you?]: yes.
[Are you happy with your life?]: yes.