Something that crossed my mind today.

Nov 30, 2008 19:29

I don't usually give long contemplative thoughts on the world or life but right now I really need to share it with all of you. I have it under a cut for those that don't want to read it. But here goes with my thoughts on life.

It isn't that hard to realize or believe that I take some of my points of view on life from those that I encounter either as a one time thing or on a recurrent basis. Everyone that I meet impresses something on me whether it proves my point that all life is good even though it has bad times or lessons in self control, honesty, integrity, or some other belief that is known to be a virtue by most standards. I am by no means saying that there aren't bad things in the world, I am not so delusional as to think that bad things can't or won't happen to me or to be the eternal optimist.

What I am saying is that I feel the world over has such extremes of what people idealize as good and evil that I don't feel either such extreme exists. What is good to one person doesn't mean it is good for another. When our forefathers declared that "all men shall be created equal" and that no one mans rights shall infringe on those of another, I take these words, these ideals to heart. Some people feel that what they do for the "greater good" is just that, for the greater good...but what about those that it isn't good for? I'm not saying politics, or religion but I'm talking about for people on the whole. Who holds what the greater or greatest good is for people? I know it isn't me, I know it isn't anyone that I have come in contact with myself, I don't even think that such a thing as a "greater good" can exist.

I know that what I just wrote sounds redundant but think about it. Hitler wanted to "cleanse" the human race for the "greater good". There were people that thought the same way as he did, yes they were racially intolerant but why is it that these people thought this way. I don't want to hear any bull shit about them being brainwashed or being evil people (because just like good evil is in the eye of the beholder) just a well thought out reason as to how or why they could have thought that was for the greater good. I don't tolerate hate like practices. I don't agree with what Hitler did in any manner, I don't agree with being racist, ageist, sexist or anything else like that but who am I to tell someone that they are not allowed to feel the way that they feel about someone or something?

How can I allow myself to be hateful of hateful people without being a hypocrite? I can't so I don't worry about it. I can pass the things I know to those that I meet, I can listen with an open heart and open mind, I can be a shoulder when someone has an issue that I might be able to shed a little light onto, but like with Gandhi (the man I follow teaching wise) who am I to tell someone that they are doing something wrong with their life? Breaking a law is one thing and so that shouldn't be confused with what I am trying to say, but the family that would rather divorce than stay together for the children is another. Some churches frown upon this and in fact will shun you from them for doing such a thing, while others are tolerant of it. Why is this? Are these not the same extremes just phrased differently to suit a different purpose than what I am doing?

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" yet most people are stuck on revenge and anger. These two things consume a soul quicker than any fire ever could and what is sad is I have seen our youth battling these two daemons. And that is what I call them daemons. I see a daemon not as something bad but something that needs to be recognized so that you can have a more fruitful life and learn something from them. Many people don't learn the lessons that they are supposed to. I try, gods and goddesses I try to learn what I need to from my life and sometimes these lessons slip through my mind and I fear that I won't do what I need to for my daughter. Then it comes to me, I wish more people could say this but alas most try to but can't do it honestly.

Life is precious and worth celebrating. Last weekend I went to a funeral and everyone was sad. This made me sad, not at the loss of life because this man had lived a full and exciting life, but at the fact that no one there could celebrate this mans many achievements. Everyone was focused on he was no longer among the living. They didn't care that he didn't hurt anymore, or that the memories he created within everyone he touched would stay for as long as they would let them, or that they saw family members that they otherwise would not, all they cared about was that the man they barely saw anymore was dead. Does this make me heartless? Does me celebrating what little time I knew him make me a bad person? I don't think so but other people that were there do think I'm a bad person because I embrace the death of others as a new chapter in an eternal book.

I try to be honest, I try to be the kind of friend that people want...but the honesty sometimes gets in the way of being that friend. I feel I have a great life, Billy does not. I can see beauty in almost everything around me, especially if I think or see my daughter. I can find peace every night when I lay down to go to sleep. I can be truthful and not fear anything. My oldest sister tried to convince me that I was a bad mom because I have no money and am staying with a friend, I almost believed it...but you know what my daughter smiled at me and not at her. In my little girls eyes and smile I knew she thought I was doing an excellent job at giving her my all. I spoil her with everything that I can, nothing monetary but every ounce of love that I can even when I am at my wits end to soothe her. My sisters are my vice, as is my husband. I love them don't get me wrong but I can also admit that I hate them sometimes and I don't hide it from them.

Basically this whole thing is to let you know how I see the world and why I forgive somethings so easily or why I am the way that I am even though most people don't understand it still. I have always had a wonderful life even though I've never really had anything until Abby...I don't regret any of it, I might change some of it but then I realize that things had to happen that way for things to be the way that they are now...I hope all of my friends have wonderful lives but I cannot make them see wonder and beauty if they don't want to. The old glass adage is a little unfitting but at the same time it is befitting. All you have to do is figure out if you see it as half full or half empty. Mine is always full of air and water.
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