Title: Defining Life
xiotonksRating: Teen
Word Count: 1227
Warnings/spoilers: None
Summary/prompt: After a case, Emily starts to examine her life.
A/N: I worked from the prompt: 4."To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." [Oscar Wilde]
Defining Life, for Xiotonks, Emily-centric, FRT )
Comments 7
Calling Mick Rawson had been a mistake. She hadn't repeated it.
Yeah, this was perfect.
Really well done.
More feedback when I'm through squeeing. ;)
I love your style of writing, the language you're using works perfectly with my image of Emily. I love how it's socially uncomfortable Reid of all people, who talks to her. I love the subtle dryness accompanying every word that is so uniquely Emily. And I love your way of ending because with an open end like this there's always so many possibilities.
That said, this makes me want to start writing again. And apart from participating in the exchange both times, I haven't really written anything for the last 2 years.
Thank you!
I also loved the ending to this. Not only is Emily getting her life in order, but she's taking risks again by calling Jordan. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it works out for her ;)
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