cm_ficsource Monthly Thematic Challenge: Rules and Info
Challenge Info:
Each and every month at the beginning of the Month I (or one of my co-mods) will be posting a CHALLENGE of sorts: On the first of each month a themed post will be made with our challenge to YOU to recommend as many stories that you can think of that meet that month's topic. The theme/topic itself could be anything from, well, a theme (case fic, team fic, fics where....happens), a pairing, a kink, etc... Unless stated otherwise (a pairing challenge for instance) all content, pairing and rating wise, will be accepted, so long as the montly theme is clearly "visible" within the story to some degree.
At the end of the month I will go through and compile all the links that have been provided, post them into a single list onto the comm and then post it into memories under the "
thematic list" tab for future ease of function and viewability (this will also be the place to suggest stories once that that particular challenge has passed. I will continue to update the list). I will also compile everything based on slash, gen or het as applicable so that you can find fic where your interest is.
Stories will also be archived to our
Delicious account for more versatile searches.
Rules and Guidelines:
1) Rec what YOU know. Don't try too hard or feel like no one else shares your tastes or would be interested in the same stuff. You never know!
2) Do not recommend WIP's to the main challenge entry. All WIPs should be posted as a comment
here, noting the appropriate theme for which it is being recommended.
3) You are also allowed and encouraged to post stories you have written, especially if you have been inspired by the prompt. However, please try not to make a habit of only posting your stories. It kind of skews the whole "rec" idea. If you do post a story that you have written, we ask that you also recommend a story by someone else for fairness sake. Also, you will only be eligable to win the incentive for your reccomendation of other peoples work.
(edit- IP logging will be turned on (1) to prevent authors from recommending their own work without recommending another fic first and (2) to monitor any ongoing problems with comments.)
4) While you will not be required to post your links in a formatted way (feel free to, however), make sure you include certain relevent information such as pairing, whether it's slash, gen or het (unless this information is obvious based on that month's topic), and any warnings or tags that should be included for archiving purposes. A summary is not necessary, but you are definitely encouraged to post a SHORT one.
5) While you may second a rec, please keep comments and discussion of fic to a minimum. We reserve the right to delete off topic comments. Any comment deemed judgemental, triggering, or disrespectful will be immediately deleted.
6)The Community will allow ”signed” or anonymous recommendations. “Signed” recommendations are preferred, since this shows that you are willing to stand behind your recommendation and gives readers a chance to determine if you have recommended stories which they enjoyed previously. Anonymous recommendations will be allowed, but completely anonymous recommendations will be carefully scrutinized.
7) Feel free to post story information even if you do not have a working link. I realize stuff dissapears all the time on the internet, but maybe somebody else knows where a link or story is hiding (however, you must be respectful of any author's wish to chose what happens to their work). Do not, however, link to locked entries. Nothing sucks more than to get someone's hopes up for a fic, and then you can't actually get to it.
8) (NEW) No posts are to be made to the community, only comments in response to the monthly challenge post.
Each month a "winner" will be chosen doorprize style from all the people who participate (and reccomend work by other people). The winner will be offered the option of winning one of the following prizes.
~a LJ gift for your profile
~a LJ userhead for your journal
~a banner made to your specifications
~an icon/icon set made to your specifications
~a feature of your personal journal, or comm of your choice, on the sidebar for a month
If you have any other suggestions for possible prizes please let us know. We also hope to offer a the choice of a short story in the future.
The winner will be sent a PM at the end of the month with the above choices. If we do not receive a response before the end of the following month, the default prize will be a LJ gift.
Other stuff:
Further, please note that this and the updated monthly challenge post will be linked on the sidebar at all times for ease of viewability. All past challenges will be accessible through the
tags and
memories of the community.
Please note and continue to remind yourself of the information on the
Profile page, as well as keep an eye out for mod posts marking any changes to the community. We reserve the right to change the rules as we see necessary and without notice.
If you have any comments, suggestions or concerns please comment on this post. This is also a place where you can suggest/request a certain theme to be done. While I make no promises, I want to be able to accomodate as many people and interests as possible, so chances are, if you make a suggestion we will get to it eventually.
So get thinking and get ready, and please please feel free to pass this comm around. The more people involved the more comprehensive these lists will be- and that benefits everybody.