Title: This Means War! Pairing: Leslie/Ben Rating: PG Word Count: 1324 Spoilers: 3x11 "Jerry's Painting" Summary: Come here, use back window. Please hurry.
This was so, so cute and funny. This needs to be an actual episode. I had never heard of a marshmallow gun before this show and now I want one desperately. And there's something so cute about the way their interaction with April and Andy is half like they're their parents and half like they're all double-dating. And I love that Andy called Leslie Ben's woman. :D Wonderful job!
Thank you so much! A few days before this ep aired, my fiancée and I were talking about how we wanted marshmallow guns to have an epic war with, so it was kind of like April and Andy read our minds! But, anyway, I'm really glad you liked this fic! Thanks so much for reading and leaving such kind words!
This is so cute and gave me so much joy! I want to see it on an episode, or at least see some of April and Andy bringing out the playful boyish Ben. Him getting Leslie to come over as backup was too awesome. Love Ben wearing something other than work clothes, Andy doing an accent, Ben not doing an accent ... pretty much love it all.
Aw, thank you SO MUCH. I always love to see your comments on my fic. And I totally think that Ben has a really funny, really playful side under all that "responsible adult" stuff. And Andy is the perfect person to help bring it out (well, Leslie too, but, you know).
Anyway, I'm so happy that you liked it! Thanks, as always, for leaving such kind words!
Comments 44
Anyway, I'm so happy that you liked it! Thanks, as always, for leaving such kind words!
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