Title: Untitled Part 1
Ship: Noah Puckerman/Kurt Hummel
Rating: G
Spoilers: About 2 years after Ballad
A/N: The show makes the ages of the characters a little vague, so for my purposes, Noah (and probably Finn) are a year older than Kurt, Rachel and most of the Glee kids.
"You’re leaving?” Kurt tried hard to remove all traces of emotion from his voice, though his heart was on the verge of a breakdown.
“In a couple of weeks. As soon as I can get out of my lease and get everything packed up” Noah stated happily, completely unaware of the effect he was having on his friend. “Your dad heard from a friend in Cincinnati that they were looking for another mechanic and he recommend me. The money is good and I can work on my music, start playing gigs again, maybe finally lay down some tracks” Kurt was nodding and plastered a smile on his face, but it was all an act. Logically, he knew that it would be good for Noah, this new job. He had been determined to leave Lima after graduation, but since Hannah had been born almost two years ago, and since Quinn had decided she wasn’t cut out to be a full time parent, it seemed like that was never going to happen. He also knew that music had been the one thing that had kept Noah centered throughout everything and it would be better for him to be in a place that he could explore it more fully, but he couldn’t help but feel a little betrayed that Noah would have to leave him at the same time.
“What about Hannah, whose going to take care of her when you work?” Ever since she had been born, the Glee kids had been permanent babysitters, watching her while Noah worked or needed a break. Until school got out for Kurt and the rest of the Glee clubbers (Noah had graduated the year before), Noah’s mother watched her darling granddaughter. Even Noah’s sister, despite his sometimes tense relationship with her, enjoyed babysitting her niece on occasion. In Cincinnati, there would be no one who cared about Noah and little Hannah as much as here, so how could they go?
“With the pay raise, I will be able to work less hours and be with Hannah a little more” Noah couldn’t help but smile at the thought “and I will be able to afford a babysitter for the times when I have to work. It will suck not having all of you guys though” His voice lowered a little at the last, but to Kurt, who was on the verge of heartbreak, it all sounded a little too casual.
It was strange to think that he had grown so close to Noah in such a short amount of time. When the Glee club had banded together to help Quinn and Finn with their baby, none of them had expected to find out that Puck was really the father, or that he would be the one who would end up raising the baby. But once the shock had died down a little, the club had decided that Puck was still one of their own and they wanted to help him in any way possible.
They had thrown a baby shower, much to his disgust. And they had cleared their schedules to be babysitters whenever necessary. But the turning point had really been when Kurt got his Dad to offer Noah a job at his Auto-Mechanic shop. It wasn’t Noah’s dream job but it was certainly a more reliable form of income than his pool cleaning business and paid a lot better than minimum wage.
With Noah working for his Dad, they became very unlikely friends. At some point, Kurt started taking more shifts watching Hannah while Noah worked, because he could watch over her while he answered the phones at the shop and Noah could see her on his breaks and down time. After that, they had only gotten closer.
They may have been an unlikely duo, the jock bully and the flamboyant Glee club member, but they were utterly bonded over little Hannah and understood each other surprisingly well. Which is why it was unthinkable that Noah would leave now, when his life was so perfect here.
Logically he knew he was being selfish, and that his feelings of betrayal had far more to do with his nagging crush on Noah than he cared to admit. It was just so tempting sometimes to imagine what it would be like to really be with Noah, especially when Noah put his arm around him or a hug lingered just a few seconds too long. But the worst thing was when they spent time with Hannah together, taking her to the park or to some restaurants. It was then, when they got so many looks from strangers wondering if they were a family, that Kurt wished it was desperately true.
But Noah, of course, had no idea of his feelings, and Kurt intended to keep it that way. He knew that Noah was utterly straight, and that revealing his feelings could only ruin their friendship. So while he pouted and allowed himself to look a little sad, he resigned it the bulk of his feelings to only say “I will miss you and little Hannah but I am happy for you Noah” and then hugged him. It was another of those lingering hugs that could go on forever, but Kurt broke it first, went to his car, drove a block to a relatively empty parking lot and started balling.