Title: Untitled Part 2
Ship: Noah Puckerman/Kurt Hummel
Rating: G
Spoilers: post-Ballad
After crying for an hour, his depression had migrated to anger. Not at Noah, but at his father who had found Noah this job, knowing what it would do to him. So he sat calmly in his car until the puffiness had gone down some and his eyes were less red, then added some concealer under his eyes and drove home. He was prepared to yell and scream at his father, but when he saw his Dad waiting near the door in his favorite chair, with that look of pity in his eyes, all he could think to do was go to his room and slam the door.
His Dad was wise enough to allow him his space, at least until dinner time when he knocked on the door with a plate of food. Kurt knew his Dad well enough to know that if he refused to eat, his father would only try harder, so he opened the door, grabbed the plate, and closed the door again.
The next morning when Kurt finally woke up, it was 11am. He went to the kitchen to get something to eat, knowing that it was safe to roam the house with his father at work. On the kitchen table he found a note
I figured it would be best to let you have the day off from school and sleep.
I know you don’t understand why I did what I did, but please trust me when I say that I had your best interest at heart (as well as Noah’s). The job really is a good opportunity for him and it allows him to not be trapped in Lima the rest of his life, despite everything that happened. I also know that care a lot about him, even if he doesn’t know how much. So much that eventually, you might be willing to sacrifice your dreams of moving to New York or LA in order to stay here with him.
One day when you are a parent, you will understand that I couldn’t allow you to sacrifice your dreams, even for someone you may love. Some day you will thank me, but for now it’s ok if you hate me for what I did as long as you know that I did it out of love.
Despite his anger, Kurt couldn’t help the tears that ran down his cheeks as he read the letter. He knew his dad was right; he had already started looking at schools nearby for college, even though he knew there would be better opportunities elsewhere. He had wanted to be near Noah, no matter the cost, and his dad had known that.
He found his cell phone and texted his dad “I love you!” before going back to bed with a pint of ice cream. Noah moving might be the best thing in the long run, but it didn’t mean that he couldn’t be sad about it.
His dad came home after work and things went back to normal. They didn’t really talk about the Noah thing again and two weeks later Kurt helped Noah pack his belongings into a U-Haul and leave Lima for bigger and better things.
As he watched him drive off, Kurt wondered if they would ever see each other again.