ouchhh. i just got back from playing football with my brothers, and i was running and i tripped on something cus i wasnt paying attention, and i went face first into a bush, it really hurt, and i think my eyeballs bleeding.
but on a higher note..i have water ice traing tomarrow for my new job. dont act like your not jelouse.
preseason wasnt so bad..it was actually fun :) and i met some cool kats. so yeaa
kimstas on her way over, and were going to habg here for a bit and make some hot cd's, cus were cool like that. i kno your jelous, dont pretend your not.
well im out
i llove you more then a truck driver loves hookers
ohk, apparentyl live journal is the place to be :) so i dropped xanga and joined live journal, cus my pal sonja has one and hers in off the chain. so yea, its all about live journal