So Dell's 'care' doesn't. I shouldn't say that, as I did talk to 3 out of a dozen or more people who actually did appear to care. Christopher, Kris, and Whitney were the bright spots in the endless loop hell
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So I'm in this: Fshguy's MegaChallenge #2(30 days of madness)!!!!. Sitting at #3 currently. The challenge is more "How many crappy/easy/frustrating games can I play before I destroy something" more than going against the other players. It's going very well and is friendly - I've helped/been helped by several others on the list with getting
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So, we were sitting at a stoplight in a line of cars last night, talking. *Wham* Rear-ended by another car. WTF. Some new-to-town person crunched their hood, but didn't seem to do much damage to the Jeep
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I spent quite a bit of time playing games this past week, particularly over the weekend. Sunday, I finished Cars and Wall-E. I also started on Space Chimps and made progress on Unreal Tournament III.
In the Challenge to 100k, I pulled ahead of joshnorm yesterday. Finally. By 553 points. It's going to be a long slog, if this weekend was any
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I got 2GB of RAM for my laptop from Newegg for $25. I'm still amazed at that. I'm sure Dell would have wanted $200 or something ridiculous at the time I bought it. Anyway, it's maxed out now.