Infatuated Hearts ch.8

Aug 19, 2008 19:56

title: Infatuated Hearts
length: chaptered 8/10.
rating: overall R; this chapter pg13.
pairing: [main] Jaemin.
summary: Changmin's parents are on another business trip. He has to go live with his nanny who takes care of an orphanage. What happens when Changmin has to live with his rejected love and his boyfriend & 3 other guys, one who is desperately after him.

previous chapters: one // two // three // four // five // six // sevenA // sevenB.

WHAT!? Changmin screamed in his head.
“No, no, no. Wait, WHAT!?” He sat at the edge of his bed slightly shaking his head. Nothing made sense! He threw his arms in the air falling onto his bed.

Changmin brushed his fingertips over his lips scrunching his eye brows together. He thought about the previous incidents, Yunho kissed me, Yunho kissed me he sang in his head.

“HE KISSED ME!” Changmin shouted happily but immediately covered his mouth looking around suspiciously. He was relieved when he saw he was alone.

But, isn’t it supposed to feel more…special? Changmin thought letting out a sigh. He suddenly had the urge to feel that thrill again. But knew Yunho wouldn’t give him that spark he craved. He turned his head towards his door. A smile crept on his face.


He quietly tip-toed over to Jaejoong’s bedside. Changmin kneeled down coming face to face with him and watched the boy smiling in his sleep holding his journal close to his heart. Changmin felt the corner of his lips form a warm smile himself.

He reached out to pet Jaejoong’s cheek but frowned when the older boy flipped over before any skin ship was made.
“Ahh,” Changmin sighed as he got up and walked to the other side of his bed.

Changmin moved Jaejoong’s hair away from his eyes. He could smell the heavy alcohol on Jae’s clothes but somehow it still comfort him like before.


“…Yah….” Junsu said shaking Yunho.
“Y-You okay?” Yoochun asked worriedly. It wasn’t often they saw Yunho in this state of confusion where he paused everything, crossed his arms and concentrated on the nothingness in front of him.

“YUNHO!!!” Junsu and Yoochun shouted in unison.
“WHAT!?” Yunho shot back seeing their scared face clinging on to each other. “I-I’m sorry. Did you say something?”

“Uh…are you and Jaejoong hyung fighting?” Junsu asked holding on to Yoochun for his life.
“I-I’m not sure.” Yunho sighed.

“Uh, here.” Yunho passed Junsu a glass of water, “Go give this to him. I’m sure he doesn’t want to see me.” Junsu nod his head in approval and headed to their room.

Yoochun and Yunho succumbed back into their respective rooms. Yoochun listened to his iPOD helping him fall into a peaceful slumber. Yunho, on the other hand laid awake for a while coming to a conclusion that Jaejoong was just drunk and he didn’t know what he was talking about.

“Yeah yeah yeah. That’s it.” Yunho mumbled. Somehow he knew that wrong but thoughts of his left behind love came rushing back to haunt him. Hmph, maybe Heechul planned things like this to get back with me he smirked. Just as he was about to sleep his eyes shot open.

“HEECHUL!” Yunho realized. “Oh stupid stupid!” No broken entries, he’s the only one with the key!! His face suddenly filled with anger and texted Heechul repeatedly till he fell asleep.


He leaned over, slowly closing his eyes, and rest his lips on the older one’s. As soon as their lips met, his whole body seem to go numb. Fireworks exploded in his head. Silent sirens made rounds throughout his head drowning in the bliss of it all. In this moment, everything felt so right.

“… Changmin!?” Junsu’s voice beamed through the room.

“It’s not what it looks like!” Changmin parted lips. “Hyung, I swear. I…Couldn’t you have knocked first!?” Changmin gained confidence.
“I did!” Junsu shot back, “I’m…just…water…hyung….” He tried to explain and placed the water on the bedside where Jaejoong’s jewelry box once was.

“Oh, uhh…” Changmin looked down.
“Changmin…?” Junsu took a step cautiously towards Changmin. Changmin fell back onto his butt and slowly slid himself backwards.

“H-hyung…I-” Changmin tried to explain.
“Chang…min…” Junsu had a tinge of concern in his voice. Changmin continued to scoot back until his back hit the wall.

Changmin felt his eyes become heavy and a few tear drops fell into his lap. Junsu heard sniffles in the dark and asked, “Changmin-ah, wh-why are you…crying?”

“I-I’m not.” he sniffled.
“Come, let’s talk.” Junsu carefully walked into the room helping Changmin up. They both froze when Jaejoong stir in his sleep but clucked his tongue and fell back into a deep sleep.


“Hyung, I don’t know I don’t know!” cried Changmin outside. They sat on the steps preceding their house.
“So, you like Jaejoong now?” Junsu said a little too bluntly.
“No! I-I…Yunho.” Changmin whispered.
“Then, why-”
“I don’t know!” Changmin sighed.

“I mean, I love Yunho. Don’t I?” Changmin stared hard at the ground. He thought about everything. From the day he wrote Yunho the letter, to his confrontation, to spending the night in Jae’s bed, to Yunho’s kiss. Everything.

“Junsu hyung?” Changmin started after a while of silence.
“Mm?” Junsu attempted to look at Changmin.
“Do you love Yoochun?” Changmin kept his gaze fixed on the ground. Junsu swore he didn’t see that coming.
“Uh, eh, ah, Um…yeah…” Junsu admitted blushing a little, “What does that have to do with-”
“How did you know?” Changmin cut him off.

“Know what?” Junsu said, “That I loved him?”
“Mm.” Changmin nodded changing his view to the stars above.
“I-I’m not sure…I just, knew.” Junsu was flustered. He began pondering the question why?
“Oh oh, I see.” Changmin said. Junsu was not helping at all. He sighed and laid down on the cement.

“Changmin, you know you can trust me, right?” Junsu disrupted Changmin’s thoughts earning him a confused look.
“Yeah.” Changmin agreed as Junsu joined his dongsaeng on the ground.
“So, tell me.”
“Tell you what?”

It took Changmin a few minutes to decide whether or not to spill his heart. It was now or never and he needed to let some weight off his heart.

“YOU SLEPT WITH-” Junsu shouted.
“SHHHHHHH!!!!!!” Changmin covered his hyung’s mouth. Junsu resorted to hitting his arm instead. Changmin knew he deserved that.
“You promised to keep quiet!” Changmin said.
“Ok. Continue.” Junsu shut up but still in shock.

In the end Changmin talked non stop for a few hours explaining his mixed feelings and all the events that surpassed them. Junsu nodded and absorbed every word.

“So…You like Jaejoong.” Junsu said again.
“Uhh. N-No…maybe. I don’t know.” Changmin contemplated, “Since when was love so difficult?”
“It’s not. It’s just right in front of you. You just need to claim it.” Junsu answered.

Changmin stared into space and thought about all he’s said. Junsu doing the same suddenly turned facing his friend.

“Min-ah. You know, you should just do what you believe is right.” Junsu said sympathetically.
“W-what?” Changmin sat up, “as if it’s that easy!”
“It is. Think about it.” Junsu followed him.
“I have been. What do you think I’ve been doing?” Changmin retorted.
“So, who were you thinking of?” Junsu questioned.

Changmin blinked a few times before answering, “Uh, how Jaejoong hyung-”
“Gotcha.” Junsu cut him off winking. Eukyangkyang I’m so smart he praised himself silently. He stretched a little and walked in the house.

Changmin was left on the steps wondering what the hell just happened. He opened his mouth to yell at Junsu but all his thoughts caught up to him.

“Jaejoong?” he mumbled into the night. Lights flashed in his head and everything clicked. He face palmed, “Oh duh.” he let out a sigh.


“Jaejoong, forgive me once again.” Changmin murmured before slipping under Jaejoong’s covers.
“I don’t know why, but everything feels right when I’m with you.” He began explaining to the sleeping boy. Changmin fell into the older boy’s arms.

The only thing that separated them were the concealed secrets in the journal.

Yeah, I'm planning to make this 10 chapters. I'd rather it have a pretty decent ending than dragging it on. -_- agreed?

And i want to finish before school starts (aug25). yeahh.
plus i spent $347.50 on books i could've spent on dbsk stuff. D:

comments ♥ Sorry this chapter kinda really lacks compared to the last one.

pair: changmin/jaejoong, chapt: infatuated hearts (c)

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