Footprints - drabble

Aug 07, 2008 00:55

title: Footprints In The Sand (Footprints for short)
length: drabble.
word count: 100.
rating: PG.
pairing: Minsu, onesided!Jaesu.

a/n: Do drabbles have summaries? ahh, i've always wanted to write a drabble. so here it is. ^_^ it's much easier than a fic, but it's way more thinking. xP

Theme & Inspired by this song.
Footprints in the sand by Leona Lewis.
He never knew why things ended up this way. He couldn’t stop it or have any control over it in this matter. He was never the one to be left behind but this proved him wrong. He felt it was unfair but somewhere deep down, he knew he deserved it.

When he couldn’t stop thinking about Junsu, he knew he was someone special. It pained the young man to walk on faded footprints left by his love. It hurt even more to see an accompanied pair.

“Jaejoong-ah, I want you to meet my boyfriend, Shim Changmin.”

He forced a smile.

how was it? hopefully it's not too sad.
I kinda left the ending open...who's "he" forcing a smile? ahh.
100 words goes by really fast. -_-


pair: changmin/junsu

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