
Jul 05, 2006 18:25

I just got back from Chicago and it was a lot of fun!! I saw 2 guys get arrested for weed, a crazy lady have a fit, 3 people get taken away in an EMS and a young girl pass out drunk by the train station....not things I see around here for sure ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

bowlingforjules July 6 2006, 16:45:47 UTC
Call me!! Right now i have no job (which means no money), but I can hang out and chit chat. I am bowling tonight up at Taylor Lanes starting at 7:30... Tomorrow I am making my rounds before the fireworks. If you want you can join me for those!! I am sure I can find a place for you to stay the night for sure.

Call me!! Or i'll call you after 5 today!!


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