Stolen for the lovely Nic,
cytherea999, a long meme about Doctor Who,
1. When did you start watching?
About 2 years ago, I think...
2. What was your first episode?
'Rose'. It was a Saturday morning, I couldn't sleep so I was flipping through channels, not really paying attention when suddenly there was a guy being eaten by a dustbin! I thought WTF, watched to see what was happening and loved it!
3. Which episodes have you seen?
All the episodes of the New Who.
3a. Favourite?
Oh, this is hard!!! Well, let's say the Runaway Bride. And Journey's End. What? It's a great episode, it has funny moments, sad moments and shirtless David Tennant!
4. Are your friends/family interested in the show?
My sister likes it but she refuses to watch episodes with Nine in them and she says she won't watch season 5, but that's it. None of my family and RL friends are into it.
5. Which Doctor is your favourite?
Ten, of course!
6. Which Doctor is your least favourite?
I haven't seen Classic!Who so I can't really answer that.
7. Which TV companion is your favourite?
8. Which TV companion is your least favourite?
In new!Who, probably Martha. But I liked her in TW!
9. Do you listen to the Big Finish audios?
9a. If so, which is your favourite?
9b. Also: which Big Finish companion is your favourite?
10. Have you listened to any non-Big Finish audios?
Nope! I have some audio books but I haven't listen to them yet.
11. Have you read any of the novels or short stories?
Yep, all the ones with Donna in it!
11a. Have you written any of the novels or short stories?
11b. Which is your favourite?
12. Have you read any of the comics?
I don't like comics.
13. Do you watch any of the spinoffs (e.g. Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures)?
I like TW, but I've never watched SJA.
14. Is there any particular episode/book/audio/comic you desperately want to watch/listen to/read?
Not really.
1. Do you write fanfic for Doctor Who?
I did.
1a. If so, post a snippet of a work-in-progress (or several)!
I wish I could but my muse is dead, I think.
2. Do you create Doctor Who icons?
I did a couple of crappy ones!
3. Recommend a fanfic/icon/fanvid/fancomic/fancreation!
Oh no! I can't choose!
4. Have you been to any Doctor Who conventions?
5. Have you ever dressed up as a Doctor Who character?
6. Do you own any Doctor Who merchandise?
Mmmm, DVDs, books, soundtracks, calendar, Tardis, and I used to have an 'exterminate' ring tone on my old mobile.
7. Are you a fan of Russell T Davies?
I love him!!!!! I think his writing is the best! No one can make me cry like him!
7a. Steven Moffat?
I don't know...I think he has great ideas and his episodes are good for scarying kids but I tend to ship Doctor/companion and Moffat does not. He always creates characters to come between the Doctor and the companion, like Reinette, River...
7b. Paul Cornell?
8. What say you to Season 6?
In season 6, I want Eleven and Amy travel to Pete's world. There, they will find out that the human!Doctor has dumped Rose and is now living with alt!Donna. And of course, the human!Doctor would make some inapropriate comment to Donna about how Eleven and Amy look younger versions of themselves and Donna will slapping and say 'Oi, are you calling me old!
9. The UNIT dating controversy?
The what?
10. The Blinovitch Limitation effect?
Again, the what?
11. Multi-Doctor episodes?
I'm all for Ten/human! Ten episodes!
12. What's your favourite Doctor Who technobabble?
"Physics, physics, physics..."
13. Have you watched other TV shows exclusively because of the presence of Doctor Who actors?
Oh yes!!! Blackpool, Casanova, the epic Life on Mars...
14. Have you met any of the actors?
Only in my dreams...;)
14a. Traveled to any filming locations?
15. What do you think of The Curse of Fatal Death?
No idea what that is!
16. Do you have any fannish opinions that you think are fairly unpopular?
17. What's your favourite pairing?
18. What pairing(s) won't you touch with a really long pole?
Ten/Martha. But I think Martha would have been great with Owen in TW.