So after scouts the normal ritual began, eating at Wendy's but quickly turned into opportunity. Clint had 4 ladders on his car, conveniently the perfect number needed to raise the roof onto the structure. So basically 7 scouts went to east boston camps and raised the roof. it was awesome!
Does anyone have glass figurines that i could barrow for my show? And everyone reading this, should come see my show, it is October 27, 28, Nov 3, 4 at 3 and 7 (except the 28th, it is at 3 and 5.30). Thanks.
Anybody that is going to be around on Saturday i am going to be working on my eagle project! it will be 9-1 at EAST BOSTON CAMPS! It will be lots of fun. I really need a lot of people to show up, so if you could help me out i would be very appreciative. Thanks, Me