Title: i guess there's no way of knowing.
Rating: PG
Pairing: leeteuk/kangin (kangteuk)
"na bakke eobda eobda eobda eobda..."
The lyrics ring loud in Kangin's ears as he gazes out the window at the rolling countryside flashing in front of his eyes. He sees men and women and children and aunts and uncles and grandparents knee deep in a large rice patty, working hard to harvest the rice before the sun dissapears over the horizon. As the train passes, the children stand up and jump up and down, shouting and waving wildly. Soon enough, the adults also stand up to yell at them, and before Kangin knows it, they're arching their backs over the rice again, letting the hot sun beat down on their backs.
Kangin turns away from the window pane, and unzips his small duffel bag. His fingers carefully brush over the tough canvas-like material of the worn army fatigues inside, letting loose dirt fall from the sweat-covered uniform to the floor below his feet.