Dec 22, 2004 09:26

I really do, i wish i could be someone else. Last night was just another reason for me to hate myself even more then i already do. It seems like everytime i look in the mirror all i see is a ugly, pathetic, peice of shit lookin back at me. I dunno why i feel this way i just do. I cant explain it. I wish i could be better but i cant . Im gonna go ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

omega6sic6 December 24 2004, 01:39:56 UTC
yeah...i do that too, but then i just go hang out with some really fine lookin dudes and they all hit on me and i feel smart and pretty and un-pathetic...so hang out with some hot dudes!


coalchamber9128 December 24 2004, 22:45:43 UTC
im sry, morgan im not gay, but Brittnay always makes me feel better


tweak_mini December 27 2004, 15:18:37 UTC
hey that's sounds like something i would write....well extention cords are evil, so try some rope...well even better....DON'T DO IT! and if i remember correctly you don't look like shit....


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