Dear Crossovering Writer

Jul 10, 2016 13:19

Bless you, and good luck.

On the one hand, I am super easy to please because I'm happy to see just about any kind of crossover and/or fusion when it comes to my preferred fandoms. On the other hand, it's hard for me to give specific details of what I want because I will be happy with anything. I'll try to give some guidance below.

General Info: I'm pretty anything-goes when it comes to content, and have no "must avoid" requirements. Either fusion or crossover (or both together) is OK by me. My preference would be for something lighter in tone - action-adventure, romance, or humor or the like - rather than something particularly angsty or super-dramatic. I'm mostly here for the kick of seeing two unlike fandoms come together rather than seeing specific characters or situations, so it will be hard to *not* please me, trust me! Feel free to go with *your* favs if I haven't given you good guidance.

As you can see, I'm not very active on LJ these days - you can find me on tumblr and browse some of my fannish tendencies at

Favorite Tropes: I love when two couples (not necessarily romantic) from different settings are forced to "switch partners" (not necessarily in a sexual way) to accomplish something. In other words, if A and B are a pair from one fandom setting, and X and Y are a pair in another fandom setting, A has to work with X, and B has to work with Y, and inevitably comparisons abound. This is particularly interesting when the pairings or partnerships have thematic similarities, and notes are compared - the more practical members of the pairs commiserate with one another about how off the wall their partners are, proud partners try to one-up their counterpart by bragging on their partners' abilities, etc. Silly, but fun.

I love genre-savvy crossover/fusion. Characters who are canonically genre-savvy like Emma or Henry from Once Upon a Time are particularly fun to have recognize fictional characters, but feel free to have modern or futuristic characters of any sort recognize others as fictional/fairy tale characters and have to deal with that. It doesn't even have to be explained. They can be confused, they can be fanboys/fangirls, whatever!

Quick notes on some of the fandoms I listed:

A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin or Game of Thrones (TV)
Long-time fan of books, reluctant/guilty fan of show. Fav characters include Jaime, Cersei, Tyrion, Brienne, Stannis, Davos, Shireen, Asha/Yara, Theon, Sam, Margaery, Sansa. Fav ships include Jaime/Brienne, Dany/Yara(GoT), Stannis/Davos, Margaery/Sansa.

Once Upon a Time
Emma/Hook (Captain Swan) shipper mostly, but pretty OK with all ships (I ship OUAT Characters/Happiness in whatever form) and nearly all characters. Regina, Emma, and Hook are my favs, along with Snow and Charming. If you need a villain, Zelena is great (I'm also OK with her as more of an ally, as she's becoming in canon), Rumple is always a good choice, and I love love love Cruella de Vil as OUAT portrays her.

The Expanse (TV)
Love this show and especially the crew of the Roci, but haven't read the books it's based off of, so anything beyond current show-canon is likely to confuse me. Huge fan of the unique relationship between Naomi & Amos in particular.

Zoe/Wash shipper 4ever. I love all the characters like my children, though.

Dragon Age (Video Games)
My preferred LIs in each game are Alistair, Anders, and Cullen. (Romanced with a female Cousland warrior (Dierdre), a female purple Rogue Hawke (Marian), and a female mage Trevelyan (Evelyn, goes by Lyn), respectively.) Varric, Cassandra, Dorian, and Sera are my fav companions by a significant margin, but I pretty much love everyone except Solas. (Sorry not sorry Egg.) I dig Isabela/Merrill, Dagna/Sera, Cassandra/Varric, and Dorian/Iron Bull as pairings in particular, but I am very ship-and-let-ship about DA. Setting-wise, I'm a bit more fond of DA2's more intimate Kirkwall-set adventures, but the more broad scale of Origins and Inquisition are also good.

Pacific Rim (2013)
Mostly included this one as an option for a fusion setting. Crossovers are fine, though, too! Mako and Pentecost are my fav characters from the film.

Harry Potter
Mostly included this one as an option for a fusion setting, but also good with most characters in a crossover, especially the main trio, and all of the professor characters as well, which the exception of Snape - not a huge fan, would prefer he not feature heavily.

Agent Carter
I prefer to see Carter being a kick-ass agent regardless of setting, with Jarvis as sidekick/backup. If Carter gets shipped with anyone, I'm generally most receptive to Angie Martinelli. (I do love both Sousa and Wilkes as characters to bits, though, I just think the show really made missteps with the romantic triangle thing, so I prefer not to go there.)

Star Wars
Prefer original trilogy characters/setting, but also ok with The Force Awakens stuff. Han/Leia is my only real ship in this fandom.

If a fandom isn't listed above, it just means I'm a general fan and have no preferences, but don't take that to mean it's a less-desirable choice for crossover!
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