Scene rule 1: Never admit you're scene.
Scene rule 2: Hair must be choppy. Either bleach blonde with pink (mainly for girls, but if guys do this too, it's A-OK. Guys are supposed to look like girls, so this is fine either way) or black. Do not let hair go beyond shoulders, if longer than shoulders, CUT IT!
Scene rule 3: When using internet as means of communication, never type the following words properly:
Seriously. Please use: SRSLY.
Really. Please use: RLY
Oh my God. Please use: OMGZZZZ
Obviously. Please use: Obv.
Forever. Please use: Fvr.
Scene rule 4: Have attidue. No scene kid gets by without having attitude. You are better than everyone and anyone around you. Make sure you let them know this. I.E. "k, im hotter than u so dnt try, kthnx;;"
Scene rule 5: Always have pictures posted on your MySpace of you and your boyfriend/girlfriend making out. Referring to Scene rule 4, make sure you let people know that you are cuter than them. I.E. "were cuter thn u, kthnx;;"
Scene rule 6: If you're going to let people see how many comments you have on your Myspace, makesure you have over 1000. If you don't, make sure you get a comment box so no one can see what a loser you are! They'll think you don't care about flaunting your Myspace popularity, when in reality, you don't have any.
Scene rule 7: All of your friends must be scene as well. If they aren't, then you stop talking to them immediately. No one wants to go through your top 8 on MySpace and find that one of your best friends is not a scene kid. Scene kids are only friends with other scene kids. You do not associate with non scene kids. This rule must be kept in mind on a day-to-day basis.
Scene rule 8: Make sure to rant and rant about how you hate people who lurk on your MySpace. (Make it your user name if you must). This will let people know that other MySpacers constantly check out your site, because you are cool. Avoid telling others that you, yourself, are a lurk. Make sure to say you will get "tuff"(tough) if someone lurks. This intimidation will lead to a friend request or 60
Scene rule 9: Name the most obscure bands you can think of. If too many people have heard of your music, it's not scene. Don't forget that you have to love the same bands as your friends though, but you still have to deny that you all listen to the same music.
Scene rule 10: Makeup is a huge rule for any scene kid. Try to blend colours such as pinks and yellows. Apply up to your forehead, & down to your nose. The bigger the better. Put on as much blush as possible before taking a photo of yourself. This way you can tell your MySpace friends that you do not photoshop, thus, resulting in more friend requests.