ok so today i made out with kris wendel and corinne and still sorta lead chris adams along. . .i feel like total shit. . .i was supposed to go see megan but my sister bailed (sp?) on me. . .i'm so worried about her
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Look I know you don't want to hear this, but you have to snap out. You have people who love, who would die for you; i.e. moi. I'm sorry that your sis bailed. I hope that all your shit gets better. Remember lifes a river it has its droughts and its floods, but all in all you just gotta roll w/ tha flow
i don't have to tell you who this is
November 25 2004, 14:32:43 UTC
don't ever tell me that you love me if you don't really mean it. For you that might take a while. don't say you love me because if you did then you wouldn't have done it. If you ever do it again we are over. So is my life. I can't take it anymore. you have one more chance and then we're through. I asked you if you did anything with either of then and you said no. How can i trust you? I love you with everything i have. Why can't you feel that? I trusted you with everything. Why can't you feel that?
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