Author: Cobalt Mystic
Title: Snowflake
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Rating: G (PG if you really want it for the boy/boy thing)
Feedback: Mys has decided that she actually likes FB, so… constructive crit is fine, just be prepared for Mys to defend/explain her choices, and try not to do any permanent damage, k.
Disclaimer: Just playing with the pretty kittens. Unfortunately, they are not mine, but I will gladly groom and bathe them before sending them back home to Daddy (aka Joss/Mutant Enemy/et al).
Warnings/Squicks: Penguins! Penguins, I tell you!
Summary: Just Xander contemplating Spike.
Snowflake, when he’s sleeping in my arms that’s what I call him. So pale and chiselled with such intricacies and delicate perfection.
He’s not fragile though. The peace and vulnerability he shows when he’s curled next to me tells me that. After lifetimes with Darla and Deadboy and Dru, he’s still William, he might be hidden under layers of ‘grr’ and ‘Big Bad’ armour, but he’s still there. Changed perhaps, but still William. Still warm and gentle, loving above all else, chivalrous in ways beyond even his Victorian upbringing.
In a weird way, maybe I owe His Broody-ness for that. With all his attempts to destroy William’s beauty, all he did was teach him how to protect it, protect what mattered.
Kinda why he’s my Snowflake. They go through so much and still manage to stay true to themselves. Guess it just goes to show, even acts of god can’t change who we really are- even my Big Bad, bumpy-headed, grr-faced Snowflake.