The good news: I finally reached a point in which I can start on my CreMo goals. Chapter 18 is finally done with the editing process. It is 118 slides long.
The bad news: I have resisted filming for three whole days days.
The good news: I also have a writing goal! I came to this realization yesterday evening and started to outline for Chapter 19. I can still work toward a CreMo goal, even if it isn't the one I intended to accomplish first!
The additional good news: I feel like posting some spoilers. So have a scene from Chapter 19!
“That’s her, sitting at the poker table in the blue coat.”
Valentine nodded.
“Why aren’t you looking?” Meg asked.
“Because you’re not supposed to stare at someone your friend has a crush on. Duh.”
Meg smiled and leaned back in the hot tub.
“Aren’t you going to go say hi to her?” Valentine asked.
“I-” Meg had never thought about this part. “What if I do it wrong?”
“Well, apparently you can’t.” The unspoken lucky you lingered at the end of Valentine’s sentence.
“Yeah, I can. What if I scare her off? What if I trip and fall on my way over? I don’t even know her. If it wasn’t for my visions, I’d never think I had a chance with her.”
“So pick someone to practice with. Make all your mistakes with someone else so everything will be perfect with your dream lady.”
“I can’t do that,” Meg objected.
“Why not?” Valentine asked. “If I ever find a guy who’s worth dating, I’m just going to ask him out, no questions about whether he’s fallen in love with me at first sight. Love at first sight would be nice, but I’m not going to give up on a little fun.”
“But you don’t know who you’re going to marry. I do. It’s not fair.”
“So just pick a Romance Sim and have a good make out. Then you’ll know how to kiss someone once you kiss her.” Valentine looked around. “We’ve talked about the cute girl. There are supposed to be cute guys here. Where are they?”
P.S. You know you want to vote for Sansa Stark over at
Fandom March Madness. :D
And Sansa made it out of prelims! YAY! Unfortunately, I don't think she stands a chance against Buffy, but I am SO PROUD of ASOIAF/GOT fandom right now for all of its support for the future Queen in the North. :D
P.P.S.: More bad news--it looks like I'm going to be eliminated from LJ Idol. More good news--that's more time to put towards CreMo.