I can't imagine anyone, let alone people of non-anglo appearance, will want to swim in Cronulla anytime soon. Congradulations Australia, you've managed to prove to the world how fucking stupid you are
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Yeah I'm doin okay. Things have been really good actually, I feel like I've gotten past that horribly depressed period. I really was in a bad state for quite a while, I can say in hindsight
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Okay I feel like I'm having a fucking major turning point guys, come here give us a hug. So anyway, everything is working out fuckin peachy keen, ice cream and sparkles and puppies and kittens
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I would like to say that things being this fucking weird all the time is a new thing, but its not like it seems everythnig is constantly changing and moving, I can never get a hold of something stable to cling onto
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I drove to work eating a bubblegum Zooper Dooper and blasting 'Four' by Seaweed. I am pumped for summer. I have a towel and beach shorts in the car at all times, in case I wanna go to the beach after work
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